
A detailed description of the sample pretreatment process of the new crown nucleic acid rapid test!

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2021-05-29 Origin: Site

Before the outbreak, the traditional new crown nucleic acid rapid test due to the small sample size, usually directly by the new crown nucleic acid rapid test personnel to carry out a series of tedious operations such as information entry, opening the cap, pipetting, closing the cap, adding liquid. This is often caused by small mistakes that result in incorrect information entry, spillage caused by opening and closing the cap, etc. However, due to the small sample size, the biochemical risk of the sample is not significant and is often ignored.



But after the outbreak, the need for rapid testing of new crown nucleic acid sample volume is often hundreds of thousands or even tens of thousands, relying only on the inspectors manually to complete is no longer realistic, and the sample may contain highly infectious new crown virus, biochemical risk is extremely high. Considering the above situation, a series of automated equipment came into being. Manufacturers have introduced sample pre-processing systems with a high degree of automation and integration. Here I'll show you what kind of functions these sample pre-processing systems have!



1、Information entry function. Currently on the market, the new Crown Nucleic Acid Rapid Test sample pre-processing system can automatically enter information by identifying the bar code on the sampling tube, automatically matching the sampling information, and can complete dozens of samples within seconds. High entry accuracy and reduced error rate of manual entry. The rate of information entry is improved, and the efficiency of sample processing is enhanced.



2、Automatic lid opening and closing function. The current cup handling system has achieved the automatic opening and closing of the sampling tube, and can match most of the tubes on the market. Can be completed within a very fast speed to open the lid, in the machine to pipette immediately after the ability to close the lid, reducing the inspection staff to open and close the lid hand wear, but also reduce the risk of leakage and cross-contamination in the process of opening and closing the lid and pipetting.



3、Automatic pipetting and liquid filling. Because it is a highly automated machine, now the cup handling system has been able to achieve automatic pipetting and liquid addition, a gun head a sample, reducing the human operation in the case of forgetting to change the gun head. It also enables precise liquid addition to improve the accuracy of subsequent reactions.



4、Multiple samples are processed at one time. Currently, the cup handling system on the market can automatically dispense 96 samples in less than 20 minutes, which can help for large-scale screening!

In addition to the above cup handling system, there are already more integrated instruments that can complete information entry, nucleic acid extraction, and construction of PCR system in one highly automated and highly integrated instrument.



In the case of the normalization of the new crown nucleic acid rapid test, large-scale testing is also unfolding, a large number of samples are also pouring into a laboratory, how to solve the problem of too many samples, the test staff but failed to increase, the vast majority of manufacturers are using technology to speak, using technology to contribute to the prevention and control of the epidemic!


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