
In which case can't a nucleic acid test be done? What's the difference between a nasal swab and a throat swab

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2022-09-04 Origin: Site

What are the conditions under which nucleic acid testing cannot be done? What is the difference between a nasal swab and a pharyngeal swab for nucleic acid testing?

The nucleic acid test can help to detect infected people early and take isolation and treatment measures as soon as possible, just recently the unit informed in a few days to carry out nucleic acid testing, I wonder who is not allowed to carry out this nucleic acid test?


What kind of situation can't I do the nucleic acid test?

The nucleic acid test is not a blood test, but a swab of the throat to analyze the cells on the swab to determine whether there is a nucleic acid portion of the new coronavirus. Nucleic acid testing.


①, people who have eaten too much should not do nucleic acid testing to avoid nausea and vomiting, which in turn may affect the accuracy of the adopted results.


②, 30 minutes before sampling, smoking, drinking, chewing gum and other people should not do nucleic acid testing, so as not to affect the accuracy of the test.


③, the sampled person with hands or other objects touching the front end of the swab should not be done, so as not to cause contamination, affecting the test results, need to be replaced immediately for redo.


④, nucleic acid testing before the oral antiviral and anti-infective drugs, may affect the results of nucleic acid testing, nucleic acid testing should not be done for the time being.


⑤. If nasal swab sampling is performed, the test may be suspended for people with acute nasopharyngeal disease, such as bleeding and edema.


(⑥) People with nausea and vomiting when nucleic acid testing is first performed should withhold nucleic acid testing and wait for the testers to relieve their discomfort before performing it.


What is the difference between a nasal swab and a throat swab for nucleic acid testing?

The difference is only in the sampling site and method, but the difference in results is not significant. The mucous membrane of the pharyngeal partition including nasopharynx, oropharynx and eustachian tube is continuous, and they all belong to the upper respiratory tract area.


However, if the nucleic acid test is positive for either the nasal or pharyngeal swab, the diagnosis of novel coronavirus infection can be made, but if the result of the nucleic acid test for novel coronavirus is negative, it does not necessarily rule out novel coronavirus infection, and sometimes it needs to be analyzed in the context of the patient's condition.



However, it is important to note that.
The risk of exposure is higher for transoral samplers, because the operator often needs to face the patient's mouth, and the patient is prone to irritating dry cough and vomiting during the collection process, which exposes the collector to virus-carrying aerosols, and thus accidental infection occurs; whereas nasopharyngeal swabs basically do not show a gag reflex, and the risk of exposure is lower, and individual patients may have a sneeze reflex after sampling, which can also be covered immediately with elbows or tissues .


Precautions for doing nucleic acid testing.

In order to avoid "false negatives" in nucleic acid testing and to reduce the possibility of cross-infection at the hospital, you need to pay attention to the following matters.


①. Before the nucleic acid test, rinse your mouth with water and do not eat for 2 hours to prevent vomiting.


②, 30 minutes before sampling, please do not smoke, drink alcohol, chew gum, in order to prevent affecting the results of the new crown nucleic acid assay.


③. Please avoid taking public transportation during the process of going to and from the hospital.


④、Please bring your personal ID card and present the health code when you visit the hospital.


⑤. To reduce the risk of cross-infection at the hospital, you need to wear a medical mask during the consultation.


⑥. Always keep a safe distance of more than 1 meter from others during the waiting process, and avoid talking as much as possible.


(7) Actively cooperate with medical staff for temperature testing and epidemiological investigation.


(8) Practice "one doctor, one patient, one consultation room", that is, only one patient is allowed to enter the consultation room, and the elderly, infants and infirm may be accompanied by a family member.


⑨, relax, do not be nervous, cooperate with the sampling staff.


When you leave the hospital, check your documents and wipe your hands with the hand sanitizer provided and leave the hospital as soon as possible without staying.


Who needs to do nucleic acid testing.
In accordance with national requirements, the following groups of people are currently required to undergo nucleic acid testing for new coronary arteries.


①, close contacts.


②, overseas entrants.


③, outpatients with fever.


④, newly hospitalized patients and accompanying persons.


⑤, medical institution staff.


⑥, port quarantine and border inspection personnel.


(vii) Staff of the prison.


⑧, staff of social welfare and elderly institutions.


⑨, other voluntary nucleic acid testing of the new coronavirus personnel.


Nucleic acid testing of medical institutions emergency holding rooms, respiratory inpatients and their companions every 7 days, patients discharged and their companions end a companion, and then a nucleic acid test; all staff of institutions such as prisons, elderly children's welfare and detainees, service users to carry out regular nucleic acid testing once a month for the whole staff, and immediate testing of people with suspicious symptoms.


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