
What diseases throat swab sampling can be applied to

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2022-09-24 Origin: Site

What diseases can pharyngeal swab sampling be used for?


Pharyngeal swabs are not new to us, but do you know what diseases they are indicated for? Let's learn more about it.


General human pharyngeal isthmus shaping needs all normal beneficial bacteria in the oral cavity, and no pathogenic bacteria growth and development. All the germs in the pharynx come from the outside, and all normal conditions do not develop, but in the organism systemic or partial immunity decline and other external factors can appear under the infection and other causes of disease. Thus, pharyngeal swab bacterial culture can isolate pathogenic bacteria and facilitate the confirmation of diagnosis of diphtheria, purulent tonsillitis and acute pharyngitis.


What are the diseases for which pharyngeal swab collection can be used? Pharyngeal swabs are commonly used clinically for the examination of bacterial or fungal inflammation of the pharynx, such as chronic pharyngitis, mycoplasma infection, candidiasis, diphtheria, purulent tonsillitis and acute pharyngitis.

Pharyngeal swabs are mainly indicated for bacterial culture to clarify the causative agent of the above diseases, when patients present with recurrent pharyngeal pain, pharyngeal discomfort, pruritus, and painful swallowing.


Clinical manifestations: Patients will have recurrent sore throat, pharyngeal discomfort, itching, and painful swallowing. Severe cases will have a slow onset with headache, malaise, fever, cough, coughing up a small amount of mucous sputum, and sometimes persistent high fever or even loss of appetite.


When pathogenic bacteria are detected in sputum and pharyngeal swab secretions, it is considered as a respiratory infection. The location of the respiratory infection can be confirmed with other tests (such as X-ray, ultrasound, etc.). The common pathogens of respiratory infections are: Staphylococcus spp, S. pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus infection, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, etc.


Tuberculosis is considered if shaping out tubercle bacilli. If shaping out yeast-like then consider if the antibiotics are not applied well or too much during the infection period, antibiotics should be stopped immediately and changed to antifungal drugs such as amphotericin B, ashwagandha, clotrimazole suppositories, etc.


Pharyngeal swabs are performed by.


①、Check the doctor's prescription and prepare.


②, let the patient rinse his mouth with water, then let the patient open his mouth to make the "ah" sound, and use the tongue depressor if necessary.


Remove the disposable sampling swab and gently and quickly wipe both palatal arches, tonsils and the posterior pharyngeal wall three times.


④, put the swab head vertically to avoid touching the tube wall contamination, break the tail of the swab by force at the mouth of the sampling tube bottle, discard the tail, tighten and cover the tube cap (strictly enforce aseptic operation)


⑤, after taking the sample again and the name of the patient.


⑥. Indicate the time of specimen retention and send it for timely examination.

Precautions to be noted.


①, swab into the tube should be placed vertically, do not wipe to the mouth of the bottle to avoid contamination. When put into the transfer box should be placed vertically to avoid leakage.


②, it is best to send / send to the laboratory on the day of sampling for testing.


③, before sending the test must be appropriate specimens and send the test form consistent, the appearance of the sampling tube must be clearly named basic information, no basic information specimens can not be tested; send the specimen is required to submit (or submit in advance electronic version) screening information form, send the test form and other materials, the submitted materials should ensure not to be contaminated, do not put together with the specimen.


④. Sampling should be avoided within 2h after the patient has eaten in order to prevent dissection, and the collection action should be gentle, steady and agile to prevent causing discomfort to the patient


⑤. The pharyngeal swab should not touch other parts during the collection process to ensure the accuracy of the retained specimens.


⑥、Do not use antibacterial drugs when deciding to do pharyngeal swabs


⑦. The depth of pharyngeal swab collection and the length of mucosal contact time. When collecting a pharyngeal swab, if the sampling time is insufficient or inferior swabs are used because the subject has a greater reaction to vomiting, this may result in a false negative and lead to delayed treatment of the patient.


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