
What is an anal swab?

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2022-09-26 Origin: Site

The anal swab test is a method of examining the anus and the surrounding tissues for bacterial, viral, and parasitic infections. The best time to check is early in the morning, after a nap, before a bowel movement or a bath. The test is performed by applying a saline-soaked swab to the anal area and extracting the cells and bacteria or parasites that are on the swab. The presence of parasitic infections and diseases caused by bacteria and live viruses can be determined through effective laboratory tests, and the corresponding exfoliative cytology can also be performed. The anal cross method can effectively detect various intestinal parasitic infections, vaginitis and anal eczema, and other diseases, especially for sexually transmitted diseases represented by warts.


Principles of anal swab design.


Collection due to the collection of anal swabs is an auxiliary examination method used to check for parasites. This method is designed based on the characteristics of female pinworms laying eggs on the skin around the human anus and perineum, the rupture of tapeworm gestation nodes during their discharge from the anus or active escape, and the adhesion of eggs to the skin around the anus.

Groups unsuitable for anal swabbing.


Generally there is no unsuitable group of people, but patients who have taken drugs such as anti-roundworm medication may affect the test results, so it is prohibited to examine patients who have a recent history of intentional which drug intake.


Precautions before examination.


Do not take anti-parasitic drugs before the examination, so as not to affect the results


Requirements during the examination.


Generally check in the early morning after waking up or after nap, before pooping, before bathing, if the first check is negative, it can be checked continuously for 2~3 days.


Sampling methods.


There are two methods of sampling anal swabs, one is with the sampling swab method, and the other is transparent adhesive law enforcement.


Sampling swab method.


(1) first put the sampling swab into physiological saline to wet, remove and squeeze out more saline.


(2) use the sampling swab to wipe the skin around the anus and perineum of the subject.


(3) then put the sampling swab into a test tube with saturated saline or a small bottle of penicillin and stir it well so that the eggs elute in the saline.


(4) quickly lift the swab, squeeze the saline from the inside of the sampling tube and discard it


(5) then add saturated saline to the mouth of the tube, and check according to the saturated saline floating aggregation method


(6) You can also put the swab for wiping the perianal skin into a test tube with water, soak it fully and then lift the swab to squeeze out the water in the wall of the tube and discard it. The test tube is allowed to stand for 10 minutes, or after centrifugation, the upper liquid is poured off and the sediment is taken for microscopic examination.


Transparent adhesive paper method.


(1) Use 1.0~1.8cm wide transparent tape to cut a small section of about 6cm in length, and fold a section like a glue surface about 0.4cm (easy to uncover) and then stick it on a clean slide.


(2) Attach a label to one end of the slide and indicate the name or number of the subject, etc.


(3) Remove the adhesive paper during the examination and stick the patient's perianal skin with the adhesive surface in the early morning before the stool.


(4) Then put the tape back on the slide and examine it microscopically.


(5) If there are more bubbles under the adhesive paper, remove the adhesive paper and add a drop of saline or xylene to cover the keratin for microscopic examination.

Diseases and symptoms associated with anal swab examination.


(1) Related diseases: bovine tapeworm disease, perianal eczema, simple vulvodynia, pinworm disease, tapeworm disease, trichomoniasis, ascaris intestinal obstruction, pinworm vaginitis, poliomyelitis


(2) Related symptoms: intestinal roundworm infection, roundworm infection, biliary roundworm infection, ulcers with an erosion-like appearance, insect bite sensation in the urethra or insect crawling sensation in the vagina


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