
What are VTM single-use virus sampling tubes?

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2022-10-02 Origin: Site

VTM virus sampling tube generic name single-use virus sampling tube, generally used in disease control departments and clinical departments for the detection and sampling of infectious pathogenic microorganisms. VTM virus sampling tubes can also be used for the detection and sampling of Mycoplasma, Chlamydia and Mycoplasma urealyticum



VTN virus sampling tubes are usually paired with a single-use flocked swab. From the appearance, the flocked swab pile is white and soft, and the use of this soft brush during the sampling process will allow the user to have no foreign body sensation and is suitable for people who sample different parts of the body. Moreover, the flocked swab has a break point designed to meet the length of the sampling tube and the natural lumen of the human body, which is not only convenient for sampling but also easy to transport the specimen.


Storage conditions


1. Virus and related samples should be stored and transported under refrigeration (2-8℃) for 48 hours.


2. Virus and related samples can be stored in -80℃ environment or liquid nitrogen environment for a long time. The virus can be maintained at a lower temperature range, reducing the rate of virus decomposition and increasing the positive rate of virus isolation.




1、The liquid in the sampling tube is the transport medium and cannot be dipped in the sampling swab before sampling.


2、The discarded sample collection solution should be sterilized.


3、VTM virus sampling tubes are for in vitro diagnostic use only and should not be used for internal or external use in humans or animals, or swallowed by mistake.


4、If the delivery medium is found to be out of date, liquid discoloration, turbidity, leakage and other phenomena prohibited to use.

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