
What are the symptoms of incubation period of new crown?

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2022-10-20 Origin: Site

The most direct way to determine whether you have neo-crown pneumonia is to take a nucleic acid test, but sometimes neo-crown is in the latent phase, and it is also difficult to detect. Can the incubation period of neointima be detected?


Generally the incubation period of new crown can be detected. Many people think that in the incubation period of the new crown, nucleic acid testing can not be detected, but in fact, most of the patients in the incubation period can be detected; incubation period mainly refers to the patient after infection with the new crown virus to the symptoms of this period, the incubation period does not mean that there is no virus in the patient's body, and the incubation period of the virus in the patient's body incessant replication, the number of viruses and nuclei in a gradually The incubation period does not mean that there is no virus in the patient's body.


If a nucleic acid swab is done at the earliest stage of infection, the secretion from the pharynx may not contain virus particles, and the nucleic acid test may be negative at this time; however, with the extension of time, the virus content in the body increases, and the nucleus increases, the secretion from the pharynx containing virus will appear, and the result of the pharyngeal swab test will be positive at this time. In the case of centralized isolation of the contacts of patients with Neocon, most of the throat swab tests are performed early in the isolation period, and if positive, it is a confirmed case; if negative, the throat swab test will be performed again before the release of isolation or when the patient has symptoms of discomfort to increase its positive rate.

What are the manifest symptoms of incubation period of Neocon?



Patients with Newcastle pneumonia mainly present with fever as well as low-grade fever in the early stage, with the patient's body temperature usually above 37℃; symptoms such as nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, and sore throat. In addition to the above symptoms, patients will also have clinical manifestations such as weakness and dry cough. Some patients with NCCP who are not found to have obvious symptoms such as fever and cough at the time of medical consultation usually have symptoms of digestive system diseases, such as mild poor appetite, weakness, poor mental health, nausea and vomiting, and diarrhea.

The first symptoms of NCCP are in the nervous system and cardiovascular system, such as headache, heartburn, chest tightness, etc. This is followed by early symptoms in the eyes, leading to conjunctivitis and, in some cases, mild muscle pain in the limbs or lower back.


Should I do a nasal or pharyngeal swab for nucleic acid testing?



Actually, both are possible. The swab taken from the nose is called a nasal swab and the swab taken from the mouth is a pharyngeal swab. However, the results of both tests are accurate, and as long as the results of the nucleic acid test are positive, the diagnosis of novel coronavirus infection can be made.

However, it is important to note that the nucleic acid test for novel coronavirus has certain limitations, as the nucleic acid test can sometimes give false negatives.


How long does it take to get the results of the nucleic acid test?


It usually takes about 4 to 6 hours. According to national requirements, nucleic acid tests for outpatients with fever should be reported within 6 hours, with the aim of shortening the time to 4 hours. However, for general outpatients, inpatients and escorts, the results should be reported within 12 hours in principle; for those who are willing to be tested, the results should be reported within 24 hours in general.


What can nucleic acid testing tell us?


Nucleic acid testing is an important tool for epidemic prevention and control, because different viruses have different forms, but the nucleic acid of viruses has its characteristic parts, and nucleic acid testing is to amplify the characteristic parts of the virus genes in large quantities to achieve a detectable amount, so a positive nucleic acid test for a certain virus can be used as a basis for confirming the diagnosis of this virus infection.


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