
Can vaccines cause viral "immune escape"? No new crown nucleic acid rapid test?

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2020-07-22 Origin: Site

The New Coronavirus has been infesting everyone for more than a year now, and we are increasingly exposed to the New Coronavirus rapid nucleic acid test and vaccination. Yet rumors about the neo-crown epidemic have been persistent. For example, the NCC vaccine will cause mutation of the virus and "immune escape", and the NCC vaccination can be done without the Nucleic Acid Rapid Test, etc. Today, the academic promotion department of Huarui Hong is going to dispel some of these rumors, and we also urge everyone not to believe in rumors and not to spread them.



Will the vaccine cause "immune escape"?



There are rumors that mass vaccination with Neocon vaccine should be stopped immediately, otherwise it will lead to mutation of the virus and "immune escape". In fact, "immune escape" refers to the antagonism, blockage and suppression of the body's immune response by pathogens or tumors through different mechanisms. Although "immune escape" is theoretically possible, it is not at all a black mark that vaccines should take.



Various variants of the new coronavirus emerged before the mass vaccination, and more infectious variants have emerged. Even without a vaccine, after the virus infects the body, the immune system generates its own immune pressure against the virus. Under this pressure, it can lead to the emergence of variant strains.

Conversely, if few people are vaccinated and the spread of the epidemic stays high, the virus will only have more opportunities to mutate. The real solution to the New Coronavirus outbreak is still to vaccinate large populations as soon as possible to reduce the room for virus evolution and mutation.



No need to do rapid nucleic acid testing for New Coronavirus after vaccination?



Because of the relatively good protection provided by the NCC vaccine, some people believe that a rapid nucleic acid test is no longer necessary if a certificate of vaccination is presented. In this regard, we need to clarify that it generally takes about two weeks after the second dose of vaccination for the vaccinated population to produce a better immune effect. However, the certificate of vaccination is not a substitute for the rapid nucleic acid test.



This is because there will still be a small number of vaccinees who may have a positive rapid test for neo-nucleic acid after vaccination. The reasons for this include: after the full vaccination, individual vaccinees are not effectively protected due to immunization failure, and this group of people may be exposed to the new crown virus and have a positive nucleic acid rapid test for new crown virus or develop disease;


it takes a period of time after vaccination for the vaccine to have a protective effect, and if they are infected with the new crown virus during this period, they may also have a positive nucleic acid rapid test for new crown virus or develop disease. If infection occurs during this period, it is also possible that the rapid nucleic acid test may detect positive nucleic acid or disease.



Therefore, proof of vaccination is not a substitute for a rapid nucleic acid test report when screening for neointestinal nucleic acid is required for the prevention and control of neointestinal pneumonia.



When necessary, people still need to cooperate with the relevant authorities to perform the rapid nucleic acid test for NSCN. It is reported that the rapid nucleic acid test products produced by Huarakang, which has been working in the field of molecular diagnostics for more than a year, have been widely recognized by people inside and outside the industry as a powerful tool for epidemic prevention and control.


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