
Why do we use nasal swabs for antigen self-testing?

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2021-01-02 Origin: Site

Antigen self-test nasal swab, also known as the front end of the nose swab, also known as the front nasal swab, sampling is simple, low operational professional requirements, better comfort, so the new crown antigen self-test more use nasal swab sampling.

Antigen self-test nasal swab sampling method:

Self-testers tilt their heads slightly.


-Hand holding the end of the swab along the bottom of the nostril up to 1-1.5cm deep, rotate about 4-5 turns against the inner wall of the nasal cavity


-Then repeat the same procedure for the other nasal cavity using the same swab.


So why not take an oral sample?


Compared to the nasopharynx and oropharynx, the nasal cavity contains less virus but more secretions, so it is sufficient as a test. In the oral cavity, there is a lot of exhalation and frequent swallowing, so there is less virus left, so nasal samples are more reliable.


Can different types of swabs be used for the same test?


No, it is not recommended to use the appropriate swabs from the proper sources, do not mix other brands of swabs.




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