
Carrying the flu gene? Asymptomatic carrier? New crown nucleic acid rapid test can accurately identify

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2020-04-17 Origin: Site

The epidemic situation in Henan, Tianjin and Xi'an is urgent, Henan is increasing by tens of cases of Nucleic Acid Rapid Test, Tianjin is facing the Omicron strain, and Omicron is spreading at a very fast pace.


We have previously stated that the Omicron strain has more mutation sites, is more transmissible, and has greater immune evasion capabilities than other strains. But the Omicron strain has more different characteristics than other strains.


U.S. researchers found that the new coronavirus Omicron mutant strain may contain at least one fragment of another viral gene, the virus that causes humans to suffer from the common cold, the New York Post reported on June 6. By mutating, this variant contains this gene fragment in itself, leading to the possibility that Omicron may make itself look more common in humans, thus helping it escape the body's immune system, the study said. And this mutation could mean that it leads to easier transmission of omicron.


In addition, unlike other mutant strains, the new Omicron coronavirus variant has a much higher "asymptomatic carriage rate" than the previous variant.


In their study of the effectiveness of Johnson & Johnson's COVID-19 vaccine, researchers found that the average asymptomatic carriage rate increased from 2.6% during the Beta and Delta outbreaks to 16% during the Omicron. What does this mean?

Because asymptomatic patients of other mutant strains have lower carriage rates and their asymptomatic status reduces the likelihood of transmission caused by behaviors such as interacting with people and touching objects, the probability of causing mass transmission is greatly reduced when cases are undetected, and the harm caused is reduced. However, when infected with Omicron, the increase in the rate of asymptomatic carriage causes a significant increase in the probability of transmission.


Although it is said that the increase in the carrier rate of asymptomatic infected people causes the expansion of the possibility of transmission outside, but its rapid test for new crown nucleic acid is aided. Although the New Coronavirus rapid test is a highly sensitive test, it may cause false positives, especially for asymptomatic infected persons, when the virus concentration in the infected person is not high at the beginning of the New Coronavirus infection, and the probability of false positives is increased.


When its carriage rate increases, the probability of detection of the New Coronavirus rapid nucleic acid test also increases, and it contributes to the prevention and control of the epidemic.


In addition to being a sensitive response, the New Crown Nucleic Acid Rapid Test is also a test that tends to be a POCT today - a rapid nucleic acid test. It is an indispensable force in the prevention and control of epidemics for high-risk populations, as it can provide "fast, accurate and precise" initial screening, and can circle the high risk.


The new crown nucleic acid rapid detection test with portable amplification reagents is able to screen accurately in the face of Omicron variant strains, ensuring that no rake is removed and no detection is missed.



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