
Daan Science: Why is there a sudden increase in the number of positive rapid tests for the new crown of food nucleic acid?

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2020-07-12 Origin: Site

Recently, there have been many reports of positive rapid tests for Nucleic Acid on food surfaces, such as those involving infected milk dates and imported carrion. The main reasons for this are: many foreign regions are still in the outbreak or development of the new crown epidemic, with many new cases, and imported products are susceptible to contamination; some domestic food products are involved in production due to confirmed cases or asymptomatic infected persons, or use imported production materials, such as milk dates produced by a company in Zaozhuang, which uses milk whey powder imported from abroad; another reason is that the virus is afraid of cold and not afraid of heat, in the northern hemisphere It is the winter season, the virus survives longer.



So these carrots, dates and other foods can still be eaten?


These foods can still be eaten, because the positive rate of imported food and food raw materials is low, positive samples are mainly in the outer packaging, some food surface viral load is low, the risk of infection is also low. As ordinary consumers do not need to be overly alarmed, there is no case of infection with the new coronavirus because of contact with food or packaging.



As the New Year draws near, we should also pay attention to food safety when shopping for New Year's food. You should go to a regular supermarket or market to buy and sell; when buying imported food, you should pay attention to the quarantine of the food, as well as the origin of the food and other information; wear a mask when shopping, do not touch your eyes, nose, mouth and other organs with the hands that have touched the food; in addition, you should also disinfect the outer packaging of food in a timely manner.


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