
Effective drugs for COVID-19 have entered the clinical stage, and rapid nucleic acid testing for COVID-19 can be discarded

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2020-05-31 Origin: Site

New crown effective drug into the clinical stage, new crown nucleic acid rapid test can be discarded?

Recently, China's authoritative media reported on the process of the new crown virus effective drug developed in China, and made a detailed analysis of the three related technical routes. At the same time, the role of rapid nucleic acid detection for new coronaviruses was also explained.


The three routes currently deployed in China for neo-coronavirus drug development are:


1) blocking virus entry into cells


2) mechanism of virus replication


3) regulation of human immune system.


The three routes have different characteristics and adopt different strategies to implement "blocking" in different physiological aspects of neo-coronavirus infection in the human body.



Up to now, a variety of effective drugs developed independently by our R&D team have been used in clinical treatment of the new coronavirus.


Once the news was reported, it caused widespread discussion among netizens, many of whom said: "Effective drugs have been developed for the new coronavirus and the epidemic has come to an end! Some netizens even said: effective drugs are out, the new crown nucleic acid rapid test and vaccine can be eliminated!

But is it really so? But is it really so?


With the arrival of an effective drug, we don't need the Nucleic Acid Rapid Test and vaccine anymore?


Not to mention that the new crown effective drug is still in the process of clinical trials, at present, I understand that the new crown effective drug is only for patients who have already suffered from the new crown virus pneumonia, and can only be used to help the treatment of the new crown and provide good treatment results for patients with the new crown.


It can be seen that there is a fundamental difference in the application of the nucleic acid rapid test and vaccine for neo-crown and the effective drug for neo-crown. One is a pre-disease prevention and control, and the other is a post-disease treatment.


The rapid nucleic acid test is the "gold standard" for diagnosing patients with NIC virus, and can provide a strong basis for clinical diagnosis.


Is a positive NICR test sufficient to determine a patient? To determine a patient with neointima, multiple rapid nucleic acid tests are required. How does the whole process work?

First, after a person at high risk of exposure has some symptoms, an initial screening is done through the hospital fever clinic with a rapid nucleic acid test. The results are usually reported within 6 hours, and most of them are now reported within 4 hours.


This phase of testing is accomplished with highly efficient amplification reagents and portable amplifiers to prevent potential patient spillover by saving sample delivery time and increasing amplification efficiency.


Subsequently, in the event of abnormal test results, the appropriate personnel are notified, initial isolation is performed, and a second review is conducted, in which a more sensitive reagent is generally used for the rapid new crown nucleic acid test to ensure the accuracy of the rapid new crown nucleic acid test.


Some institutions will take reagents from other manufacturers during the review phase, and will even use other methodologies: such as serum testing, antibody testing, antigen testing, and other methods for review. If the test is still positive at this point, then the physician will make a determination in conjunction with other clinical tools.


Finally, this high-risk person is reported as a confirmed patient for further isolation and treatment measures.

The epidemic is not over, prevention and control still need to be rigorous, do not relax protective measures just because effective drugs are available!


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