
A paternity test is not just a blood sample, but can be done in the following ways

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2022-05-04 Origin: Site

Is paternity testing done by drawing blood? Blood is indeed the best sample for paternity testing, so we generally collect blood samples by default when DNA paternity testing is done on site. But this does not mean that only blood marks can be used for paternity testing, there are many samples that can accurately complete DNA paternity testing, such as oral swabs and hair samples.



Oral swab samples have no restrictions on the age of the appraisee, and are especially suitable for younger children, who can easily be collected on the grounds of oral examination.

Oral swab sampling method: stop eating 30 minutes before sampling and rinse your mouth 10 minutes before sampling; use one side of the medical swab to repeatedly wipe 3-5 times on one side of the inner wall of the mouth and take 3-5 (wipe with care so that the sampling stick has as large an area as possible in contact with the oral wall) After completion, repeat the same operation with the other side on the other side; wrap the successfully sampled swab in a clean napkin after natural shade drying, and then into the appropriate envelope.



When the child is a little older and may be more sensitive to collecting oral swabs, pulling a few hair samples at this time is easily accomplished.


Hair sample collection method: Grasp with your hand about 4 cm from the root of the hair and pluck 3-5 hairs with force (the end of the hair can be seen clearly as a hair follicle, i.e. the white material at the root of the hair). The plucked hairs are best dried at room temperature for a few minutes (the hair follicles just picked are sticky) and then wrapped in clean paper in an envelope.



In addition to the above oral swabs and hair samples, there are many other samples that can be collected for paternity testing. DNA paternity testing samples are divided into routine and special samples. Regular samples are bloodstains, oral swabs, hair, cigarette butts, and special samples are fingernails, toothbrushes, chewed gum, semen, semen spots, bones, flow products, etc.




The paternity test should be done by a formal third party identification agency independent of the public prosecution and law system.



Paternity identification center is the national Ministry of Justice for the record by the Provincial Department of Justice review and approval of the establishment of paternity identification institutions, identification results with authority. Provinces and cities across the country have forensic sampling assistance, acceptance is quite convenient.


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