
DNA paternity test procedure and precautions

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2022-05-03 Origin: Site

This article focuses on the paternity test samples, as well as the DNA paternity test process, and the collection of samples of note.


A, paternity samples.


1, blood samples


Only 2-5ML peripheral blood, sampling method similar to physical examination blood sampling, no fasting before sampling, normal diet can be.



2, hair samples


Sampling tools: clean white paper, envelopes or plastic bags

Sampling method: grasp the balance of 4 cm from the root of the hair with your hand, pull off 3-5 hairs with hair follicles (the white or black material visible at the root of the hair is the hair follicle), put it in an envelope and indicate the identity.


Caution: Cannot be cut with scissors. Naturally shed hair cannot be used.


3, oral swab samples


Sampling tools: single-ended medical swab, clean white paper, envelope or plastic bag


Sampling method: first rinse the mouth with water, hold a single-ended swab into the oral cavity at the inner buccal mucosa (inside the cheek), repeatedly wipe more than 10-20 times (rotate the swab from time to time), take out the swab on clean white paper and shade dry


Caution: at least 3 swabs.


4、Nail samples


Sampling method: cut the fingernails of the appraisee, wrap them with clean white paper, then put them in an envelope and indicate the identity of the sample person.




5, semen samples


Sampling method: Pour pure semen under medical gauze, circle the range of semen on the gauze with a pen, and put it into an envelope or plastic bag, indicating the date of collection and the identity of the sample person.



6、Non-invasive fetal paternity sample, i.e. prenatal paternity sample of the pregnant mother.



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