
Guardian calls for continued surveillance of neo-coronavirus, rapid nucleic acid testing for neo-coronavirus cannot be stopped

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2020-04-26 Origin: Site

On April 26, local time, WHO held a press conference. WHO Director-General Tan Desai said that countries reported more than 15,000 cases of new coronavirus rapid tests to WHO last week, the lowest number of new deaths in a single week since March 2020.


In recent months, several countries around the world have taken a "coexistence" approach to Nucleovirus pneumonia, relaxing precautionary measures, opening up socialization requirements and significantly reducing the scale of various tests such as the Nucleic Acid Rapid Test. In addition, Tandse noted that as many countries have reduced testing for new coronaviruses, WHO has received less and less information on virus transmission and genetic sequences, making it increasingly difficult to detect patterns of virus transmission and mutations. This, in turn, has increased the uncertainty in the prevention and control of New Coronavirus to some extent.


Rapid nucleic acid testing as the "gold standard" for diagnosis of NCC patients has been playing an important role in all aspects of NCC prevention and control since the beginning of the epidemic. It has provided an accurate basis for screening, diagnosis, treatment, and release from isolation.



In the early stages of the epidemic, the New Crown Nucleic Acid Rapid Test, as an accurate testing tool, is able to advance the gateway to prevention and control of high-risk populations through mass screening, narrowing the scope of screening. It also serves as a basis for isolation and control measures for infected persons (asymptomatic infected persons and confirmed infected persons).



After screening out infected persons, the work of rapid testing of new crown nucleic acid still cannot stop. At this time, multiple rounds of testing will be performed on the population that has been focused on isolation measures, and the Ct value of the New Coronary Nucleic Acid Rapid Test combined with the image interpretation will further determine the outcome of asymptomatic infected patients' transition.


The Nucleic Acid Rapid Test has also been used as a basis for treatment of NCCV pneumonia. The Ct value of the NICR test is used as a criterion for the discharge of patients or asymptomatic patients from quarantine or hospital.


The New Coronavirus Rapid Test does not stop after discharge from quarantine. After discharge from isolation, home isolation is required, during which a seven-day triple test is performed to monitor for a "reoccurrence" of the disease after discharge and to ensure that there is no risk of transmission.


Since the Omicron strain became prevalent, there has been a lot of talk about "Newcastle" = "big flu" and many people have reduced their protective measures because of the low rate of severe illness and flu-like symptoms it causes. In addition, the United States, France, South Korea and other countries have opened up controls and reduced the frequency of rapid nucleic acid testing for Newcastle.


All of these initiatives make the NCC epidemic look "good", but in fact there are many hidden risks. To prevent and control the epidemic and to continue to monitor the new crown virus, rapid nucleic acid testing for new crown cannot be stopped!


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