
How are oral swabs collected and stored

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2021-10-13 Origin: Site

I. Oral swab for oral DNA sampling, very simple and fast.


1. Before taking the sample


Please do not eat, smoke, drink alcohol, etc. 30 minutes before sampling.


(1) Prepare a glass of water, rinse your mouth fully for about 10 seconds and spit it out.


(2) Repeat the above steps 2-3 times.


2. Oral cell sampling


(1) Tear open the outer package of the oral swab and carefully remove the oral swab (note: hands should not touch the swab part during the whole sampling process).


(2) Hold the handle and extend the swab into the left side of the mouth so that the head of the swab fully touches the mucosa at the inside of the left cheek/left upper and lower dental cavity, rub up and down with brushing force, and rotate the swab 20-30 times.


(3) A second swab was taken in the same way at the mucous membrane at the right cheek/right upper and lower dental beds.


(4) Put the swab stained with oral exfoliated cells back into the collection tube for storage.


How should oral swabs be preserved for you today? There are two methods, one is air-drying preservation, one is the use of preservation solution preservation, we will first look at the first air-drying preservation is how to do, and see the specific steps below.


Second, how to save oral swabs


1, air-drying preservation method.


(1) first prepare a clean white paper.


(2) take the first swab (hands do not touch the head of the swab), reach into the oral cavity, scraping back and forth against the inside of the left cheek 20 times (rotate the swab from time to time), the need for full contact with the oral mucosa. Remove the swab and place it on white paper to dry naturally for 2-3 hours.


(3) Take the second swab and scrape back and forth 20 times on the inner side of the right side of the mouth, place on the same white paper and dry naturally for 2-3 hours.


(4) Take the third swab and scrape it 15 times on each side of the left and right sides, put it on the same white paper and dry it naturally as above. Repeat the collection for six swabs.


(5) Marked, wrapped in white paper and placed in an envelope.


(6) Repeat the above steps to extract oral mucosal epithelial cells from another person, wrap them with white paper and mark them clearly, and put them into another envelope. Note: Please do not mix the swabs of two people! Please mail by express mail as soon as possible. In addition, do not package in plastic bags, only in paper material.


Note: Generally naturally dried oral swabs can only be stored for 3 days, so send them out on the day of sampling if possible.




2, the following we look at the second use of preservation solution preservation method is how to do?


(1) tear open the sealing paper on the bag of disposable sampling swabs, and gently remove the disposable sampling swabs from the bag.


Note: The head of the disposable sampling swab should not touch other items outside the oral cavity lining to avoid contamination.


(2) Hand-held sampling swab into the oral cavity side, in the inner mucosa from the inside out, and then move up and down scraping 15-20 times, can increase the number of times according to the actual situation, moderate strength, in order to cling to the oral cavity wall mucosa is appropriate, to ensure that the disposable sampling swab head everywhere can be dipped into the oral mucosa cells; according to the same method, in the oral cavity wall on the other side of the collection.


(3) After the collection is completed, please take the disposable sampling swab out of the oral cavity, put it into the sampling tube, push the disposable sampling swab head, place the sampling swab head into the preservation tube, tighten it and save it.


Note: Too many rotations can lead to dilution or loss of the sample. After sampling, ensure that the disposable sampling swab does not touch any other objects.


Note: Oral swabs preserved in cell preservation solution can generally be stored for one month at room temperature, so please send them to the laboratory for testing as soon as possible.


For more information, please call us


Ltd. specializes in the production of sterile sampling swabs, flocked swabs (flocked swabs or flocked sticks), pharyngeal swabs, microbial sampling sticks, DNA oral swabs, sterilized sponge swabs,, saliva collectors or saliva collection devices, cell preservation solution, product applications include medical DNA sampling, oral sampling, virus testing, nasopharyngeal sampling, viral bacterial sampling, laboratory sampling, genetic sampling, gynecological cervical sampling, and many other disposable nylon flocked sampling swabs.


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