
Which is better for paternity testing: oral swabs or blood draws?

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2021-08-10 Origin: Site


The types of test materials required for DNA testing are diverse and include: oral mucosa, blood, blood spots, and hair with hair follicles. Special specimens include semen, semen spot, toothbrush, fetal villi, fetal amniotic fluid, fluid products, tissue, cord blood, etc.


An oral swab is a single-ended medical swab also known as a cotton swab that collects oral mucosal epithelial cells by wiping the mouth. Compared to blood sampling, oral swabs are easy and non-invasive and painless.



The DNA identification results are identical because a person's DNA is the same whether it comes from oral cells or white blood cells, and there will be no different identification results because of the difference in the test material used.


So, when doing paternity testing, what is the case with oral swabs, and what is the case with blood draws?



1, if you sample yourself or your child, we recommend that you prefer a non-invasive oral swab as a sample.



2, if the child is under 5 years old, you can use oral swabs or blood traces as test samples, it is best not to collect hair, because the child is still small, the hair is relatively fine and sparse, so the amount of DNA contained in the hair is less.



3, if within the last two years you have been transfused for reasons such as injury or illness, or have had a bone marrow transplant, you are advised to be sure to inform the identification center, they will advise you to choose other samples, such as oral swabs for paternity testing, because at this time your blood contains the components of others, will affect the identification conclusions.



Conclusion: Which is better: paternity testing with oral swabs or blood draw results? Paternity testing by collecting oral swabs is a non-invasive sample collection method. Thousands of oral epithelial cells are shed in the mouth every day, and these cells contain DNA, which can be used for paternity testing, analyzing oral epithelial cells with analyzing blood cells, other human tissues.


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