
How to use stool sampling tube usage

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2021-07-29 Origin: Site

The role of stool sampling tube is actually similar to that of anal swab, because both are stool specimens that can not only improve the positive detection rate, but also detect other gastrointestinal lesions. That anal swab is to poke the anus, that stool sampling tube to how to use it? Let's take a look together


There are two ways to use the stool sampling tube, one is the natural defecation method, and another is the rectal swab (anal swab)


Natural defecation method.


①, after the patient has defecated naturally in a dry and clean toilet


②, try to avoid urine contamination of feces, you can urinate beforehand, feces as much as possible into a clean and dry container;


③, use a sterile spoon in the sampling tube to scoop up the middle part of the feces that does not touch the air and the ground, scoop up a full spoon (3~5g); mice at least 3~5 grains of feces;


④Put the scooped feces together with the spoon into the sampling tube and tighten the cap;



⑤ The samples were snap frozen in liquid nitrogen, placed in -80℃ refrigerator for storage, placed in a biosafety bag, and sent to the laboratory with dry ice for testing.





①、No antibiotics should be used within 3 months before sampling;



②. Patients with other diseases related to intestinal microorganisms, such as diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, autism, immunodeficiency, etc., need to be excluded; if the target patient has other complications, detailed records are required.



Rectal swab method (patients with defecation difficulties and infants and children)



①、Wash the area around the anus with soapy water and insert the sampling swab with sterile saline into the anus at a depth of 4~5cm (2~3cm for pediatric patients);



②, touch the sampling swab to the rectal mucosal surface, gently turn the sampling swab, and obviously find that the sampling swab has feces;



③, insert the sampling swab with fecal specimen into the test tube and tighten the cap;



④, put it into the biosafety bag and send it for timely examination.



Note: If highly suspected of being infected with a virus that can be transmitted requires special transport and must meet the safety requirements for special specimens.



Patients presenting with abdominal pain, diarrhea (watery stools/pus and blood), or with fever; abnormal stool routine examination, it is recommended to collect stool specimens for bacterial culture.


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