
Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2020-05-22 Origin: Site

Take the test


Do you pass the daily protection?


Can wear the mask correctly.


The mask covers the mouth, nose and chin, and the nasal pressure should be compacted; the mask needs to be replaced in time when it is dirty, deformed, damaged or smelly; each mask should be worn for no more than 8 hours, preferably replaced every 4 hours; the mask that has been to a high exposure risk area should not be reused, and the mask should not be worn up and down, inside and outside.


Observe the social distance of 1 meter and do not step on or cross the line.


Maintain a social distance of 1 meter or more when standing in line, paying, talking, exercising, or visiting. Experts show that a social distance of 1 meter or more can reduce the risk of NCC transmission by 82%.

Get vaccinated to prevent emerging diseases.


Vaccination is the most cost effective means of personal protection available. It is the most important part of personal protection because it is effective in preventing new coronavirus infections and reducing the rate of severe illness and mortality after infection.


How do masks block viruses?


The mask is generally divided into three layers, which are laminated together in the order of nonwoven, meltblown fabric, and nonwoven to isolate the tiny particles in the air.


The main function of the mask is the meltblown cloth in the middle. The meltblown cloth has static electricity, which can absorb particles when in contact and achieve the filtering effect.

How is the virus transmitted?


Respiratory droplet transmission: Mainly through airborne transmission. When a patient exhales, sneezes, coughs or speaks, airborne droplets containing the virus enter the environment and others inhale the respiratory tract through their nose or mouth and are then infected.


Direct contact transmission. The virus is transmitted directly from the infectious source to the corresponding invasion site of the susceptible person, such as kissing or shaking hands.


Indirect contact transmission: caused by contaminated objects, such as towels, tableware, door handles, elevator buttons, etc., also known as daily contact transmission.


How is the rapid nucleic acid test for New Coronavirus performed?


Rapid nucleic acid testing is performed in 4 stages: sampling - sample pretreatment - nucleic acid extraction - nucleic acid amplification and analysis.


Rapid nucleic acid testing also requires going through the above steps, but the difference is that rapid nucleic acid testing uses highly efficient amplification reagents and portable and compact amplification instruments that can shorten the amplification time to about half an hour, greatly improving the efficiency of nucleic acid testing.


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