
Three degrees of burns, sterile cotton swab treatment method

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2020-10-31 Origin: Site

What should I do if I get burned?



Pouring boiling water splashed on your body, frying hot oil splashed on your hands ...... these situations, you and I may have encountered.


But fortunately, in most cases, even if you are burned, it is only a small area, even do not need to deal with, after a while he or she will be fine. But if the accident really happened, you know what to do?


Toothpaste, lard, all do not use


It is rumored that as long as you put on toothpaste and lard, you can easily say goodbye to burns and scars.


But to be honest, after the burns to do so, not only did not help, but may leave permanent scars.


Burns are high temperature damage to the skin, and the damaged skin is highly susceptible to infection. Toothpaste and lard, which are everyday products containing bacteria, are a disaster for the damaged skin, and can cause infection, poor healing and leave visible scars if you are not careful.


Red drops and purple drops can interfere with the doctor's judgment

The first thing you need to do is to apply red or purple drops on your own, right? Wait a minute.


On the one hand, the color of red and purple drops is extremely dark, which can easily interfere with the doctor's judgment of the depth and size of the wound. On the other hand, red and purple drops have pigment, which will aggravate the pigmentation of the wound, so that the skin may leave pigmented scars after healing.


What's more, if the red potion is used too much, the mercury in it will enter the body through the broken skin, which may cause mercury poisoning.


There is also the practice of putting powder on the burns, which is actually the opposite of what is needed, and is not conducive to wound healing.


The treatment of burns has to be distinguished, the priority should be clear

Burns are divided into three degrees according to the severity, but no matter which degree of burns, first away from the heat source, and the fastest time with 5 ~ 20 ℃ cold water shower cooling, until no pain after leaving the cold water.


If you need medical attention, cover the wound with clean gauze, towels, etc., and then go to the hospital for disposal.


First degree burns

Only the epidermal layer of the skin is injured, with mild localized redness and pain and no blisters.


Burns of this degree can recover better with proper treatment and will not leave too obvious scars.


Second degree burns

The injury involves the dermis layer of the skin, with localized redness, swelling and pain, and blisters of varying sizes. Blisters in this case should be treated separately.

If it is a smaller blister, do not poke it easily, otherwise it will easily leave a scar. Usually be careful not to let the blister area with hard objects friction, collision, wait for the blister to absorb itself disappear can be.

If it is a larger blister, you should seek medical treatment in time, do not just poke it yourself to avoid further infection. For blisters that are already broken, you can use a sterile cotton swab to gently wipe away the outflow of liquid.


Third degree burns

The damage involves subcutaneous tissue, fat, muscle, and bone may have different degrees of damage and appear gray or reddish-brown.

Third-degree burns are the most serious and should be seen by a doctor without delay. If there is wound infection, topical antibiotics need to be applied under medical supervision.


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