
New crown nucleic acid rapid test "re-positive" patients, will it be infectious?

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2020-07-23 Origin: Site


It is known that a small number of patients with New Coronary Pneumonia may have a positive rapid test for New Coronary Nucleic Acid (referred to as "re-positive") after being discharged from the hospital. There are many reasons for the occurrence of "re-positive", which may be related to the sampling method, sampling site, and sensitivity of the rapid nucleic acid test reagents. The problem of "re-positive" in patients with neocon pneumonia is still to be studied, and experts say it is possible that the nucleic acid gene fragments are still present in the patient's body.


So how to avoid the re-surgery in patients with neocon pneumonia?


The first is to improve the treatment plan, for the new crown nucleic acid rapid test results re-positive problem, the health care commission issued the sixth edition of the treatment plan for the first time, the patient is discharged from the hospital recommended to carry out 14 days "self-health status monitoring", the second week of discharge, the fourth week to the hospital re-examination of the new crown nucleic acid rapid test. Secondly, the discharge criteria should be strict. In Shanghai, in addition to the discharge criteria stipulated in the "New Coronary Pneumonia Treatment Protocol (Trial Version 7)", two new criteria have been added to discharge patients who meet the criteria of significant resorption of exudative lung lesions and negative anal swab (stool) for rapid nucleic acid testing.



The picture shows macrophages engulfing the invading virus


So, is a patient with "re-positive" Newcastle pneumonia infectious to others?


In terms of infectious disease prevention and control, as long as a patient tests positive, he or she may become a new source of infection. Even if there are no obvious symptoms, the patient needs to be isolated as soon as possible. Patients who are retested positive may not require special treatment if their symptoms do not worsen and they are hospitalized again. It is still possible to clear the virus with autoimmunity by observing the production of antibodies in the body.


However, the infectiousness of a "re-positive" case depends on the load of the pathogen and the infectiousness and virulence of the virus.



When a person is exposed to a very small amount of virus, the body's immune system can clear it without developing the disease. For example, there are some close contacts of confirmed patients who are not infected with the new coronavirus. However, if the amount of virus in a person's body is too large or if the virus is too contagious, then the close contacts are likely to be infected and become ill.



In addition, it must be said that the decision to diagnose and discharge a patient with Neoconiosis is heavily dependent on the results of the rapid nucleic acid test for Neoconiosis. Improving the accuracy of the Nucleic Acid Rapid Test results can largely prevent false negatives.



However, the accuracy of the NIC rapid test results is highly correlated with the quality, sensitivity and precision of the test products. Therefore, in order to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the new crown nucleic acid rapid test, each new crown nucleic acid rapid test manufacturers will have the new crown nucleic acid rapid test full process solutions. Technically speaking: whether it is a large-scale full screening, or a small batch of nucleic acid rapid test, the new crown nucleic acid rapid test system should be able to set enough negative and positive quality control for each batch of sample testing as required to ensure that the new crown nucleic acid rapid test results are true and valid.


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