
Nucleic acid extraction magnetic bead method detailed, an important step in the speed up of the new crown nucleic acid rapid test

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2020-07-09 Origin: Site

The substance of the new crown nucleic acid rapid test is the nucleic acid of the virus. New crown nucleic acid rapid test is to look for the presence of foreign invasive virus nucleic acid in the patient's respiratory specimens, blood or stool, to determine whether the infection by the new crown virus. Therefore, a "positive" nucleic acid test will confirm the presence of the virus in the patient's body.



The rapid nucleic acid test is the "gold standard" for confirming the diagnosis of a patient with Neovirus. Since the beginning of the epidemic, I am sure you are not unfamiliar with it. There are four major steps in the NICR, sampling - sample pre-treatment - nucleic acid extraction - PCR amplification and analysis. These links are the missing steps of the new crown nucleic acid rapid test. Then today we will talk about the nucleic acid extraction step in the process of the new crown nucleic acid rapid test.



In this step of nucleic acid extraction, we most often use the magnetic bead extraction method in the new crown nucleic acid rapid test. What is the magnetic bead extraction method?



The principle of magnetic bead method is: the magnetic bead binding solution contains powerful protein denaturant, which can quickly dissolve the protein and dissociate the nucleic acid; in its presence, the released nucleic acid components can be bound to the magnetic beads; subsequently, the protein, inorganic salt ions and many organic impurities are removed by the action of the magnetic bead washing solution. The eluent then removes the pure nucleic acid. In short, the nucleic acids are separated from the lysed cells by the adsorption of magnetic beads.



In addition to the New Crown Nucleic Acid Rapid Test for this throat swab sample, the magnetic bead method is also widely used for other specimens such as whole blood/serum/plasma, various swabs/scrapings, dried blood spots, tissue cells, etc. It is easy to operate, efficient, fast, safe, non-toxic, supports a variety of sample types, and is suitable for all types of extraction instruments. It can make high yield of nucleic acid in the extraction process and reduce the loss of nucleic acid.



It plays an important role in the process of new crown nucleic acid rapid test. However, it is not always used in the process of New Crown Nucleic Acid Rapid Test, because in addition to the conventional New Crown Nucleic Acid Rapid Test procedure, there is a "shortcut", which is to use the releasing agent to directly lyse the proteins in the sample and amplify the test on the machine.



New Crown Nucleic Acid Rapid Test System is equipped with a portable amplification instrument and highly efficient amplification reagents to improve the efficiency of nucleic acid amplification through fast and accurate temperature regulation, accelerating nucleic acid testing!


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