
The role of sample preservation solution virus preservation solution

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2021-04-20 Origin: Site


Viruses are microorganisms that have a very simple structure and do not have the means to complete the process of self-replication; they need the help of host cells and use the host's nutrients in order to complete virus replication. Viruses can infect humans as well as many other animals. The more common viruses that cause human infections are very many and can cause respiratory pathologies, such as cold and flu viruses. When it comes to viral infections one has to talk about the new coronavirus, which is a coronavirus like SARS.


Because of the outbreak of the new coronavirus, sample preservation fluid is well known. Sample preservation fluid is a protective liquid medium added to the virus sampling tube to protect the sample after nasopharyngeal swab sampling, which is usually called virus preservation fluid in our China, customarily abbreviated as VTM fluid or UTM fluid. Usually for nucleic acid testing, the sample collection site cannot directly perform nucleic acid PCR, and the swab-collected sample needs to be transferred for testing, so VTM needs to be added.


The sample preservation solution can be used for specimen collection, preservation and transportation of nasopharyngeal pathogens such as New Coronavirus, Influenza, Avian Influenza, Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease, Measles, etc. The sample preservation solution developed and produced by Shenzhen Huarakang has inactivated and non-inactivated types, and the role of the sample preservation solution will be different depending on the type of sample preservation solution targeted. By fully mixing the collected samples with virus lysate and virus nucleic acid preservation solution, the inactivation of the virus in the samples is achieved, and colleagues effectively ensure the integrity of the viral nucleic acid in the samples, and the collected specimens can be transported and stored for a long time at room temperature. The preserved viral RNA samples can be widely used for genetic testing, enzyme-linked immunoassay testing (ELISA), PCR testing, etc. It can instantly lyse pathogens to release nucleic acid, and protective agents can prevent nucleic acid from being degraded. The requirements for the testing environment will be lower, so the inactivated type is now commonly used for nucleic acid testing.


Non-inactivated type is based on Hank's, adding BSA (bovine serum albumin) amino acids, vitamins and other nutrients required by the virus, which can maintain the activity of the virus in a wider temperature range and maintain the originality of the sample to the greatest extent, and can be used for nucleic acid extraction detection of viruses, virus culture and isolation.


Compared with other manufacturers in the market, Shenzhen Huarakang's non-inactivated virus preservation solution not only adds Hanks buffer necessary for viruses to build a neutral environment, but also adds bovine serum albumin (BSA) as a protein stabilizer, which can protect the protein shell of viruses and make them less prone to decomposition, and obtains good quality DNA/RNA, which can get faster detection results and can complete various Virus detection and analysis experiments, such as PCR, qPCR, etc.,



while saving transportation costs, customers with demand can provide free sample delivery and other services, Huarakang has always believed that as long as it has always insisted on good products, so that it can meet the needs of customers to the maximum extent, and finally will certainly be able to surprise customers after repeatedly comparing manufacturers, and found that choosing Huarakang is not wrong.


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