
Notes on pharyngeal swab collection criteria

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2021-07-15 Origin: Site


1. Concept of pharyngeal swab.


Pharyngeal swab specimen: It is a medical swab that is dipped in a small amount of secretion from the human pharynx, and the sample taken is the pharyngeal swab sample.


2. Why do pharyngeal swab test: to collect secretions from the pharynx or tonsils for bacterial culture or virus isolation to assist in clinical diagnosis. Such as measles, hand, foot and mouth disease, influenza, new coronavirus screening, when the clinical consideration of suspected cases, Xu collected pharyngeal swabs for nucleic acid testing.


3. pharyngeal swab before making preparations: pharyngeal swab sampling tube (tube + swab), the size of the seal bag suitable for labeling the performance of the Pu biohazard logo, tongue depressor, etc. Check the label outside the pharyngeal swab (there is no date, specifications, sampling liquid color has not deteriorated, whether turbid, there is no sediment, etc., but also to improve the sampling tube information such as: name, sampling unit, paste sampling number)


To communicate with the subject and inform the subject in advance not to smoke, do not drink alcohol, do not eat chewing gum and irritating, flavor in the food.


4. pharyngeal swab sampling.


①, first, check with the subject's personal information.


②, then tear open the outer packaging of the sampling swab and take out the sampling swab.


③, let the subject open his mouth to make an ah sound, expose the throat, and if necessary, press the tongue down with a tongue depressor (lightly press the front 2/3 of the tongue and the back 1/3).


④ Remove the sterile swab and gently and rapidly wipe the bilateral pharyngeal tonsils and posterior pharyngeal wall 3 times, and put the swab head into the preservation solution.


⑤ snap off the tail of the swab by force at the mouth of the preservation tube bottle, discard the tail, tighten and cap the tube (strictly enforce aseptic operation), and


⑥. check the patient's name again after taking the sample.



⑦. Put the sample in a sealed bag, in a special transfer box, and send the sample to the laboratory for testing quickly.


Precautions to note.



①, swab into the tube should be placed vertically, do not wipe to the mouth of the bottle to avoid contamination. When put into the transfer box, it should be put vertically to avoid leakage of liquid.



②, it is best to send / send to the laboratory for testing on the day of sampling.



③, before sending the test must be appropriate specimens and send the same list, the appearance of the sampling tube must be clearly named basic information, no basic information specimens can not be tested; send the specimen is required to submit (or submit in advance of the electronic version) screening information form, send the test form and other materials, the submitted materials should ensure that do not be contaminated, do not put together with the specimen.



④. Sampling should be avoided within 2h after the patient has eaten in order to prevent dissection of the chart, and the collection action should be gentle, steady and agile to prevent causing discomfort to the patient.



⑤. The pharyngeal swab should not touch other parts during the collection process to ensure the accuracy of the retained specimens.



⑥、Do not use antibacterial drugs when deciding to do pharyngeal swabs.



(7) The depth of pharyngeal swab collection and the length of mucosal contact time. When collecting a pharyngeal swab, if the sampling time is insufficient or inferior swabs are used due to the subject's greater reaction to vomiting, it may result in a false negative and lead to delayed treatment of the patient.




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