
Buy sampling swabs medical swabs choose which manufacturer brand supplier good?

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2021-02-17 Origin: Site

Buy sampling swabs medical swabs choose which manufacturer brand supplier good?


Flocked sampling swabs are a relatively new trend in disposable sample collection equipment. And about flocking, flocking refers to the process of applying (multi-length fibers), called flocking-coating to the adhesive coated surface



To improve sample collection, there are different types of flocked swabs, such as pharyngeal swabs, genetic testing, forensic DNA testing swabs, gynecological cervical sampling swabs, microbiological sampling swabs, etc. All flocked sampling swabs have clear advantages for many applications.



There are clear advantages for many applications.



Among the disposable sampling swabs, flocked swabs are a new extraction method promoted in the market relatively recently, with the advantages of large contact area, long handle, sampling swab manufacturer, different sizes of flocked swabs provide different shapes of swab head, etc. Its rapid adsorption capacity and excellent release efficiency provides security for limited or trace DNA, especially suitable for outdoor sites and contact type of exfoliated cells extraction.



There are different types of flock swabs, such as pharyngeal swabs, genetic testing, forensic DNA testing swabs, gynecological cervical sampling swabs, microbiological sampling swabs, etc.



Sampling swabs are composed of a nylon staple fiber lint head and a medical grade ABS plastic rod. The nylon short fiber acts like a soft brush, which can effectively improve the collection of cellular material; the capillary movement between the fibers forms a strong hydraulic pressure, thus ingesting the liquid sample; at the same time, the sample clings to the surface of the swab, which is easy to elute.



Shenzhen Huarui Kang sampling swab is a new type of medical sampling swab, using the international advanced technology, innovative nylon fiber technology with high-tech spray implant technology made. The collection will not produce patient pain,



It improves the comfort of patients, especially contact with sensitive parts of the body is non-irritating, while no damage to the skin and mucous membrane tissue at the sampling site, also reduces the possible bleeding during the collection of specimens, basically no bleeding situation.



Sampling swab is composed of nylon short fiber lint head and medical grade ABS plastic rod, nylon short fiber role is like a soft brush. Shenzhen sampling swabs sell well in China



The capillary movement between the fibers forms a strong hydraulic pressure, thus ingesting the liquid sample; at the same time, the sample clings to the surface of the swab, making it easy to elute. Shenzhen sampling swab quality choice



Buy sampling swabs medical swabs choose which manufacturer brand supplier good? Shenzhen Huarui Kang biological is the main products of Shenzhen Huarui Kang biological medical technology Co.


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