
Can drinking do nucleic acid detection? Will it affect

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2022-10-23 Origin: Site

Drinking alcohol during nucleic acid testing has an effect

Because nucleic acid tests are performed on viral nucleic acid, and alcohol has a sterilizing effect, drinking alcohol during the nucleic acid test can affect the virus in the throat, thus affecting the accuracy of the sampling and leading to the possibility of false negative test results. If the test is actually positive, it will not only delay the best treatment time for the patient, but also increase the risk of infection of people around the patient, so drinking alcohol has an effect on the nucleic acid test. How long does it take to take a nucleic acid test after drinking alcohol? It is recommended that the test be performed after 24 hours. Because drinking alcohol can affect the results of nucleic acid testing, it is recommended that the test be done 24 hours after alcohol has been metabolized, which is slow. To be on the safe side, it is recommended to drink a lot of water before the test to promote urine excretion, which can effectively help remove the residual alcohol in the intestinal tract, or eat foods that have the effect of breaking down alcohol, which can metabolize it more thoroughly.


Can I eat after the nucleic acid test?

Nucleic acid testing can be eaten after the test. The nucleic acid test is performed by dipping a swab into the pharynx to obtain secretions for testing, which does not cause any trauma to the body. However, for some people with sensitive pharynx, nausea and vomiting may occur after sampling, so it is recommended that these people consume a light diet after the test to avoid irritation of the stomach and intestines.


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