
Can I eat with the nucleic acid test? What should I pay attention to before doing the nucleic acid test?

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2022-09-07 Origin: Site

I'm going out on a business trip and I need to do a nucleic acid test, but I just finished eating before I came back, so I wonder if I can eat before I do the nucleic acid test?


①. Can I eat before the nucleic acid test?


It depends on the situation, such as.


①、If the nucleic acid test is a long time away, it is possible to eat for more than two or three hours.


②, if the nucleic acid test within two hours can not eat, because the nucleic acid test is not a blood draw, it is a nasal swab or pharyngeal swab, which is a relatively long swab to the nose or pharynx to rotate sampling, and then test the pharyngeal swab inside the new coronavirus nucleic acid, as a basis for testing, if the test is very close to the time to eat, just like vomiting, will lead to People in the test nausea and vomiting, easy to let the stomach contents vomit, resulting in adverse consequences.


2. Do I need to fast for the nucleic acid test for the new coronavirus?


No, fasting is not required. The new coronavirus pneumonia nucleic acid test is to check whether there is a new coronavirus unique RNA, that is, genetic material, if there is a clear diagnosis, and the difference between fasting and not fasting is eating, eating or not and the body's viral content is not related to the need to fast, but the current nucleic acid test clinical take swab test method, especially the oropharyngeal swab-based, the nurse needs to be in the patient's The operation lasts about five seconds, which will stimulate the patient's throat and cause nausea and vomiting, affecting the sampling and test results.


3. Why can't I brush my teeth before the nucleic acid test?


You can brush your teeth before the nucleic acid test and it will not interfere with the test results.

If there is a virus in the mouth, the virus will still be present in the oral secretions even after brushing, but in order to ensure the accuracy of the test, you need to rinse your mouth in time after meals to avoid food residues that may affect the test results. Do not chew chewing gum.


4. What should I pay attention to before the nucleic acid test?


To avoid "false negatives" and reduce the possibility of cross-infection, you need to do these things.


①. To avoid vomiting, do not eat 2 hours before sampling.


②. To avoid affecting the test results, do not smoke, drink alcohol or chew gum 30 minutes before sampling.


③. In order to reduce the risk of cross-infection at the hospital, all test subjects should wear a mask and

prepare a spare mask. The mask can only be removed during sampling, and please put it on immediately after sampling.


④. All people waiting for testing must keep a distance of more than 1 meter and avoid talking.


⑤. You must bring your ID card when sampling.


⑥、If you have suffered from blood diseases, throat diseases, taking anticoagulants and other related risk

factors in the past, you need to inform the medical staff before sampling.


(7) Since medical personnel are closely guarded and may not be able to hear speech, it is recommended that the public write down personal information such as cell phone number, home address, name and ID number on a small slip of paper in advance to save time and improve efficiency.


⑧, nucleic acid testing before and after the need to pay attention to hand hygiene, you can use hand-free disinfectant or alcohol-free wipe hands.


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