
What should I do if I have an uncomfortable throat after a nucleic acid test?

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2022-09-10 Origin: Site

Discomfort in the throat after having a nucleic acid test is very common in clinical practice.

Many patients because when doing nucleic acid doctor in the swab to stimulate the nasopharynx or pharynx, take the throat swab, rolled may have a slight injury to the eye mucosal nerve, and then will cause pharyngeal discomfort, pharyngeal foreign body feeling, serious will appear sore throat, at this time only need to drink more water, warm water, avoid contact with spicy and irritating food, avoid contact with tobacco and alcohol, usually in a day to two days time can Gradually recover.



If the patient feels uncomfortable in the throat and it is obvious that it is not relieved in 1~2 days, you can use some anti-inflammatory drugs appropriately, such as Pudilan anti-inflammatory oral solution, Blue Scutellaria oral solution, etc. If the pain is obvious, you can also take oral cephalexin tablets, amoxicillin and other symptomatic treatments under medical prescription.


Nucleic acid test precautions are not to eat saturated water two hours before the test. Because during the operation will stimulate should reflex, resulting in coughing, nausea, vomiting, if eaten too much or drink water, there is a risk of aspiration. It is also best not to take antiviral drugs and antibiotics before the operation to avoid affecting the results of the test. If there is a condition in the nasopharynx, such as bleeding or edema, do not perform the nucleic acid test for the time being to avoid aggravating the symptoms of bleeding. It is also not advisable to drink alcohol and eat chewing gum before the test. Try to relax during the operation and cooperate with the doctor.


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