
Private paternity test swab and judicial paternity test swab manufacturer

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2022-09-12 Origin: Site

Privacy paternity swabs and judicial paternity swabs manufacturers

Privacy paternity test


Privacy paternity test, also called anonymous paternity test, as the name implies, is a kind of paternity test that can be applied for anonymously. The applicant only wants to know the results of the paternity test, and does not intend to take the test report to do other things, only to "identify", as a personal understanding of the use.

Judicial paternity test


Judicial paternity test, with legal effect, can be provided to the court, public security organs, notary public and immigration authorities and other judicial institutions, commonly used in the household registration, immigration abroad, property inheritance disputes, etc., has its own special mission.


Privacy paternity identification and judicial paternity identification in addition to the use of different, there are also differences in the processing of.


①, application.


Privacy paternity test: you can apply anonymously, you only need to take a code name for yourself can be, the secrecy is very strong


Judicial paternity test: must be commissioned in real name, you need to provide a valid identity document.


②, samples.


Privacy paternity test: allows the appraisee to provide a variety of samples, common samples are blood (blood marks/spots on various carriers), saliva spots, oral swabs, hair, fingernails (toenails), cigarette butts, toothbrushes, etc.



Judicial paternity test: samples are generally collected on site, only with blood traces or with oral swabs (oral swabs are generally only collected on children or individuals who are not convenient to collect).

FAQ: Are privacy paternity reports accurate?


Are privacy reports generally not used for legal purposes because they are not allowed? A big misunderstanding!!!


Privacy paternity test, relatively speaking, only the acceptance of the procedure is simple, saving manpower, but the use of instruments, kits and testing methods are identical to the judicial paternity test! The experimental process is as rigorous, the results are as accurate


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