
Can hair carry Neocoronavirus? How long can it survive if it stays in the hair?

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2022-09-21 Origin: Site


In fact, for this problem, we do not need to worry too much, because now the epidemic has been controlled, as long as there is no contact with suspected patients, hair and clothes are not contaminated by patients, there will be no virus, the virus will not survive for a long time outside the body, if you are really worried, the clothes can be washed with drops of disinfectant. Moreover, according to the conclusion of the study (SARS virus in plastic, glass, mosaic, metal, fabric and copy paper and other surfaces can survive for 2 to 3 days), we presume that the virus may also survive on the hair for 2 to 3 days, and because the hair belongs to (non-absorbent material), so it is presumed that the virus-containing droplets in the hair for more than 1 hour is not infectious.


However, for the sake of safety, it is recommended to wear a hat to go out, after all, the weather is getting colder and colder now.


Areas where the new coronavirus is more likely to infect: door handles, cell phones, telephones, mouse keyboards, light switches, faucet switches, remote control buttons, toilets, etc., are all vulnerable areas that need to be focused on and may pose a potential risk of indirect transmission.

Disinfection for different areas also varies.


(1) Mobile phones and keyboards.

Use disinfectant wipes to clean your cell phone after you wash your hands at home.


(2) Keyboard, mouse, light switch, etc.


You can refer to the cleaning method of cell phones, wipe with disinfectant wipes


(3) Floor


Use disinfectant solution for disinfection. Disinfectant solution can be configured according to the product instructions.


(4) Faucet


If you have a virus on your hands, you may get it after washing your hands and turning off the faucet. You should also pay attention to the cleaning of the faucet in the hand washing.


(5) Toilet.

After using the toilet, you should cover the lid and then press the flush button. Flush the toilet lid at regular intervals


After going to the toilet and flushing the toilet, you should wash your hands promptly with hand sanitizer and flowing water.


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