
How should asymptomatic infected people be detected

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2022-09-20 Origin: Site

How should asymptomatic infected people be detected?

Recently, many new asymptomatic infections have been added in many places, which makes many small partners nervous, so what is an asymptomatic patient and how much do you know about it?


Asymptomatic patients are undoubtedly silent transmitters. Asymptomatic infections of new coronaviruses are those who have positive pathogenic tests for new coronaviruses in specimens such as the respiratory tract of infected persons, but have no clinical symptoms such as fever, dry cough, sore throat, and no imaging features of new coronavirus on CT imaging. The presence of symptoms depends on the amount of virus, the strength of virulence and the immunity of the body.


A number of experts said that the reduction of symptoms and the increase in the proportion of asymptomatic infections in patients with neo-crown is a new phenomenon that is common across countries. The reasons for this need to be investigated, but the phenomenon is already objective.


In response to the phenomenon of "the majority of asymptomatic infections", Zhang Boli, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, recently said that the domestic epidemic is "dominated by multi-point distribution and localized aggregated outbreaks" and that the risk of superposition of neoconiosis and influenza needs to be guarded. The increasing number of asymptomatic infections indicates that the virus has mutated, but we should not take it lightly, as the pathogenicity of the new coronavirus has been reduced, but the transmission is still strong.


Most of those who have been detected recently are young people, and the fact that these confirmed patients were detected before the onset of symptoms has a lot to do with our increased prevention and control efforts and enhanced detection capabilities.


This is because patients who are detected early before the onset of symptoms receive timely treatment, which helps to improve the cure rate. However, because asymptomatic infected patients are themselves infectious, and some data indicate that fifty percent of the world's cases are transmitted by asymptomatic infected patients, the high proportion of asymptomatic infected patients may make it more difficult to control the spread of the virus and will put greater pressure on prevention and control.


From a global perspective, the second wave of the outbreak has been underway for a long time, and some countries have already closed their cities. As the weather gets colder, the epidemic situation will worsen in most northern hemisphere countries, and the global epidemic situation is not optimistic. However, China has a complete set of mass prevention and control mechanisms, and the possibility of a second outbreak in China is very low according to the current system of prevention and measures.


However, the community needs to remain vigilant because there have been many sporadic outbreaks since the winter months, and each time the time interval is very small.


So how can we prevent the hidden arrows when the open ones are easy to hide?


In addition to the government's active response to the sporadic rebound of the epidemic and the special presence of asymptomatic infected people in the fall and winter, the public must start with themselves and strengthen prevention.


①. Personal protection should not be slackened.


It is the high incidence of respiratory infectious diseases in autumn and winter. We need to strengthen self-protection and health and civilization awareness more, individuals should practice diligent hand washing and frequent ventilation. Reduce the gathering in public places, maintain a safe social distance, and regulate the hygienic habits of wearing a mask in case of poor ventilation or gathering of people.


②, adhere to a healthy diet.


Pay attention to separate storage and processing of raw and cooked food materials; timely cleaning of cutting boards, utensils, etc.; cook meat, eggs, seafood and other food to avoid the possibility of food-borne diseases and food safety incidents; advocate public chopsticks and public spoons, reasonable diet, balanced nutrition, proper exercise, adequate sleep, and maintain a good state of mind to enhance immunity and effectively prevent new crown pneumonia, influenza, tuberculosis and other respiratory infectious diseases.


③, strengthen self-testing


If symptoms such as fever, cough, diarrhea, and weakness occur, wear disposable medical masks and above, go to the nearest fever clinic for screening and treatment in a timely manner, and avoid taking public transportation as much as possible during medical treatment.


④, avoid traveling abroad, to listen to the country


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