
Why is virus preservation solution used for nucleic acid testing?

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2022-10-11 Origin: Site


Nucleic acid testing in the new coronavirus in the sample sampling, if you can not test in time need to transport or a short time to save, is necessary to use virus preservation solution. Some people may feel that the new coronavirus is not the same as other viruses and is much more tenacious in vitro and there is no need to use virus preservation solution to preserve virus samples, but this is not actually the case.


Since the outbreak, the new crown has not only been detected positive in humans and a few animals, but also in food, especially cold-chain fresh food, and even in the outer packaging of products, elevators, door handles, switches and other frequently touched objects, from this aspect the virus is indeed very tenacious, which also highlights the complexity, severity and enormity of the task of prevention and control of the epidemic, ringing the epidemic The prevention and control alarm bell.


It should be noted that the detection of objects in addition to the virus, and incomplete statistics of the proportion of positive is also close to one tenth of the, indicating that the virus can be partially retained on the surface of the object for a certain period of time. Although the retained virus may be very little, and the retention time may not be long, but people are still more at risk of infection if they have frequent contact for a long time.

But for the nucleic acid test is different, the test needs to be completely accurate results, if the sampling tube containing the virus sample did not add preservation solution, not timely detection in the transportation and preservation process is very likely to appear in the virus nucleic acid degradation, not to mention one tenth even if it can reach 9% survival green in the sampling tube can not, even one may cause degradation resulting in false negatives.


Virus sampling tube samples need to be transported and preserved not only to add virus preservation solution, but also depends on the requirements of different testing conditions and choose inactivated or non-inactivated preservation solution, but also to remind everyone that in the human body frequently contact objects we should also do a good job of protective measures.


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