
What is the procedure of oropharyngeal swab collection?

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2022-10-14 Origin: Site

Oropharyngeal swab operation looks very simple, but in fact there are many places that need attention, what is the process of oropharyngeal swab operation?


①, first let the patient sit down, then let the patient's head tilt back and open the mouth wide.


②, the sampler fixes the patient's tongue with a tongue depressor and uses a disposable sampling swab without sodium alginate to cross the tongue root to reach the posterior wall of the pharynx and the crypt and lateral wall of the tonsils


③、Repeatedly wipe 3~5 times to collect mucosal cells


④、Take the swab out of the mouth slowly, put it into the sampling tube vertically, break the end of the swab and tighten the sampling tube to avoid leakage


⑤, send to the laboratory for examination as soon as possible


Precautions for collection.


①, please put the swab into the sampling tube vertically, do not wipe to the mouth of the bottle to avoid


contamination. Put into the transfer box ground starvation time, to deal with put into, so as not to leak liquid.


②, sampling the day it is best to send to the laboratory or send for inspection.


③, before sending the test must ensure that the appropriate specimen is consistent with the delivery form, the appearance of the sampling tube must indicate the patient's name and basic information, no specimen without basic information can not be tested, the delivery must be submitted to the screening information sheet, checklist and other information (or submit an electronic version in advance).


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