
The concept of virus preservation fluid

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2022-10-12 Origin: Site

The epidemic is raging and virus preservative stands out and has become an essential part of the fight against the epidemic, but do you know what virus preservative is?


As the name implies, virus preservation fluid is a protective liquid medium added to the virus sampling tube to protect the virus specimen.

Usually, when nucleic acid testing, the sample collection site can not be directly nucleic acid PCR, the need for the swab collected samples for transfer to send the need to use the virus preservation fluid.


There are two types of virus preservation solutions.


Non-inactivated virus preservation solution is mainly based on the transport medium as a modified virus maintenance fluid type preservation solution, which can protect the virus protein shell and viral nucleic acid DNA or RNA, so that the virus in vitro with protein antigen epitopes and nucleic acid integrity, there will be a certain risk of infection when the operation is not done properly. Prolonged storage after sampling requires maintaining strict low temperature.


Inactivated virus preservation solution is mainly a modified nucleic acid extraction lysis solution, which contains a high concentration of lysis salts that can rapidly and efficiently inactivate the viral proteins in the sample to be tested, effectively preventing infection, and contains Rnase inhibitors that protect the viral nucleic acids from degradation, so that subsequent NT-PCR experiments can make a diagnosis as long as the viral nucleic acids can be detected. The subsequent NT-PCR test can make a diagnosis as long as the nucleic acid of the virus is detected. It can be stored at room temperature for a relatively long time.


Virus detection differs from conventional biochemical assays in that the virus itself is a simple microorganism that must live inside a living cell. After sampling, the virus leaves the host cell and its protein shell and nucleic acid are quickly degraded in the sampling tube, so that the nucleic acid test cannot determine whether the initially collected sample contains the virus, which can easily result in false negatives.


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