
Can I be infected if I buy nucleic acid-positive food?

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2022-10-19 Origin: Site

Recently, many foods have been reported to have nucleic acid tests, and many have been circulating in the market, like some carrots, milk dates, frozen meat foods, if someone buys these nucleic acid-positive foods will not be infected?


Is it possible to be infected if you buy food that is positive for nucleic acid?


For the majority of consumers, the risk of infection caused by purchasing and eating imported cold chain is very low.


①, first of all, the overall positive rate of cold chain food is very low, cold chain food production and operation in the consumption is for the disinfection of the outer packaging, the disinfection measures carried out in the distribution chain can prevent the possible risk of contact infection and reduce the chances of cross-infection of the virus.


②, nucleic acid positive does not necessarily mean that it is infectious, because both live viruses, dead viruses, fragments of viruses can be examined may be nucleic acid positive, so there is no need to be overly nervous.


③, food contamination caused by infection, generally speaking, must be a relatively large amount of contamination, but also need to be repeatedly contacted for a long time to cause infection, there are no cases of infection caused by contact or consumption of nucleic acid test positive food.


How to deal with the new coronavirus nucleic acid-positive food?


①, the import of cold chain food production and operation, transportation and storage and other aspects of the detection of positive products, immediately notify the situation of the local cold chain logistics epidemic prevention and control work department, the local emergency command to study and decide whether to start the emergency response, and the disposal of the situation will be reported to the epidemic prevention and control of the emergency command at various levels.


②, health and health department organization after the study, direct the testing agency to immediately transport the samples to the provincial CDC institutions, to carry out follow-up genetic sequencing and other analysis work, close contact with positive products for centralized isolation of medical observation.


If the virus has not been transmitted from person to person, the health department, together with relevant departments, will instruct and supervise the production and operators involved to carry out final disinfection of the external environment, transportation, ice melting and sewage, organize professional forces to thoroughly disinfect the same batch of food and storage freezers, and do a good job of harmless disposal of the food involved.


⑤. If the virus has been transmitted from person to person, the health department will, in accordance with the prescribed procedures, promptly organize the comprehensive epidemic prevention and control work, such as the identification of people involved and the transfer of flow.


What should I do if my food package tests positive for nucleic acid?


①. After purchasing food, you can use 75% alcohol to disinfect the outer packaging. When storing such products, it is best to use independent closed packaging, and separate packaging and storage from other foods such as fruits and vegetables and cooked foods to avoid cross-contamination.


②. Wash your hands regularly and develop good hygiene habits. Before, during and after handling food, pay attention to hand washing. If you touch cold chain food, pay attention to wash your hands with soap and avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth without washing your hands.


③, buy home frozen seafood, frozen meat to carefully clean, cleaning attention to prevent splashing, do not rinse raw meat products directly under the faucet to prevent Janza pollution. Raw meat can be put into the basin for cleaning to reduce the risk of cross-contamination.


④, handling food case, knives, containers, etc., should be separated from raw and cooked. It is best to prepare 2 to 3 chopping boards at home, respectively, dedicated to cutting raw food and cutting food that can be eaten directly raw, do not mix. Cut frozen food and cooked food knife, also pay attention to separate the use.


⑤, cooking frozen chilled food should be cooked thoroughly, seafood food as far as possible to avoid raw, semi-raw, wine bubble, vinegar bubble or salt pickled directly after consumption. New coronavirus is afraid of heat, food fully heated and cooked before eating, can effectively prevent infection.


How to buy food safety?


①. Go to a regular supermarket or market to buy fresh food, wear a mask correctly and avoid direct contact with your hands. When buying prepackaged fresh food, pay attention to the date of production, shelf life, storage conditions and other food label content to ensure that the food is within the shelf life.


② Wash your hands with soap or hand sanitizer in a timely manner after shopping, and before washing your hands, do not touch your mouth, nose, eyes and other parts of your hands. Sea panning, buying goods on behalf of foreign countries or regions, including the purchase of overseas cold chain fresh food, pay attention to customs food quarantine information, do a good job of disinfection of the outer packaging, and good self-protection


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