
How can the accuracy of nucleic acid testing be affected?

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2022-10-15 Origin: Site

Nucleic acid test is one of the effective ways to detect whether the infection of the new crown, but the test results are not 100% accurate, because may not pay attention to words can also change the test results, that is, false negatives, although this situation is now rare, but when doing nucleic acid test need to pay attention to things we still need to pay attention to.


①, do not clear your throat before doing the nucleic acid test, you will cough up throat secretions, which may affect the accuracy of the nucleic acid test, this point should be noted Oh.


②, do not smoke, drink and chew gum 30 minutes before the nucleic acid test, this will interfere with the test results.


③, there is a sampling swab front can not touch other parts of the throat or other things. On the one hand, for the sake of safety and hygiene, the second aspect is afraid of staining the bacteria directly interfere with the accuracy of the test.


In addition, the following points should be noted when performing nucleic acid testing


①, 2 hours before sampling can not eat, in most cases, the sampling specimen is generally taken at the throat samples, if more sensitive people may cause vomiting or nausea and other uncomfortable symptoms.


②, past blood diseases, throat disease, taking anticoagulants and other related risk factors, the need to notify the medical staff before sampling.


③. When waiting, the distance between people should be more than 1 meter, do not crowd and dialogue to avoid mutual infection.


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