
How much does a nucleic acid test cost out-of-pocket? Can I use my medical insurance?

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2022-10-22 Origin: Site

The Chinese New Year is approaching, many people have been working outside for a year, the most longed for is to go home for the New Year to see the children, but since the "Spring Festival to return home need 7 days negative nucleic acid certificate" many partners have such a question: "in Shenzhen to do nucleic acid testing out-of-pocket how much? Can I use my medical insurance?" The key to whether you need to pay for nucleic acid depends on whether you belong to the "should be tested to the fullest" or "willing to test to the fullest" personnel. The government will bear the cost of nucleic acid testing for those who "should be tested"

How to see whether you belong to the "due diligence" personnel?
There are two main types of "due diligence" personnel.


①. According to the Notice of the Shenzhen New Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Command on the regular prevention and control of the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic.

For close contacts, people coming to Shenzhen from abroad, people coming to Shenzhen from domestic medium and high risk areas, fever outpatients, newly admitted patients and accompanying staff, patients in emergency detention, general outpatients with epidemiological history, staff of medical institutions, staff of centralized isolation medical observation places, staff of port quarantine, transfer placement and border inspection, welfare institutions, elderly care institutions, relief management institutions, mental health Medical institutions, maternal and child service institutions, public security and judicial supervision places and other related personnel, as well as schools, kindergartens, new staff to implement nucleic acid testing "should be tested".


②. The Shenzhen New Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Command Office on the effective implementation of food safety in farmers' markets and other key places related to the prevention and control of the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic notice.


Farmers' markets, large supermarkets fresh meat stalls, seafood stalls, imported fruit stalls and other employees, as well as schools and unit canteens in contact with fresh meat, seafood, imported products and other employees to do all the testing.


The provincial and municipal new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic prevention and control command on the "should be tested" personnel scope of adjustment, according to the latest document implementation.

For those who are covered by Shenzhen Medical Insurance, the cost of nucleic acid testing will be borne by the government, and individuals do not need to pay for it.


For Shenzhen basic medical insurance participants who have been included in the scope of "due diligence" as specified by the Shenzhen New Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Command, they will be credited and receive special medical treatment for New Coronavirus Pneumonia in accordance with the regulations.


For those insured and non-insured persons in the province and across the province who belong to the scope of "due diligence", the cost of nucleic acid testing will be borne by the government, and individuals do not need to pay out of pocket.


For the city has been included in the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic prevention and control command clear "should be tested as much as possible" the scope of the provincial and cross-provincial participants, non-participants, the relevant costs by the designated medical institutions first advance, the province's unified organization liquidation.


Can participants who are "willing to be tested as much as possible" use their medical insurance?
Those who are not included in the scope of the "test as much as possible" by the Municipal New Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Command belong to the "test as much as possible", and the costs are borne by the employer or individual.


Among them, those who belong to the Shenzhen basic medical insurance participants can be implemented in accordance with the original medical insurance policy of the city.


①, first-class participants can pay for the nucleic acid test directly from their personal accounts

The cost of nucleic acid test and related materials for the new coronavirus is a medical insurance catalog item. The outpatient basic medical expenses incurred by the basic medical insurance first-file participants in the city's designated medical institutions, in accordance with the provisions of Article 47 of the Shenzhen Social Medical Insurance Measures, can be paid with the personal account balance.


②, a file of personal account eligible for payment through the family channel "family members" of the nucleic acid test costs


Payment conditions: has been a valid family channel association; basic medical insurance first-class participants personal account accumulation amount exceeds 5% of the city's average salary of the previous year on-the-job workers (currently 6387.85 yuan).


The excess can be used to pay for the out-of-pocket nucleic acid testing expenses of the spouse or immediate family members who have joined Shenzhen basic medical insurance when they visit the designated medical institutions.


③. Second and third-grade insured persons who meet the conditions can enjoy medical insurance treatment

For the second and third-grade basic medical insurance participants who are "willing to be tested", the cost of nucleic acid testing and materials will be paid by the community outpatient medical fund for 90% of the test and materials, up to a maximum of 120 yuan, when they are referred to the corresponding billing hospital by the bound social health center in the city or by the bound social health center.


Shenzhen Social Medical Insurance Measures" Article 54: The outpatient medical expenses incurred by the basic medical insurance second and third class participants in the city's selected community health centers shall be handled in accordance with the following provisions: (b) for single medical treatment items or medical materials within the basic medical insurance catalog, 90% shall be paid by the community outpatient coordinating fund, but the maximum payment amount shall not exceed 120 yuan. Community outpatient co-ordination fund in a medical insurance year to pay each basic medical insurance second-grade, third-grade participants of outpatient medical expenses, the total maximum amount shall not exceed 1000 yuan. In other words, if the social health center bound by the second or third class of Shenzhen medical insurance participant carries out the nucleic acid testing program, or if the bound social health center agrees to refer to the billing hospital, 90% of the cost of the nucleic acid testing can be reimbursed through the community outpatient coordination fund in accordance with the regulations.


How much does it cost for people who do not have social security and need to pay out of pocket?

The price of a nucleic acid test can be as low as $80 for a test and as high as $200 for a test. The price charged is not uniform from region to region, and the price varies widely.

Caution: Fasting is required. It is best not to eat or drink for two hours, otherwise it will easily cause vomiting. If you have the habit of smoking, it is best not to smoke. You must not take any medication two days before the test, which may affect the results of the nucleic acid test.


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