
What should I pay attention to when choosing a nucleic acid single-use virus sampling tube?

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2021-01-13 Origin: Site



As the epidemic continues, many people may have been a small captain of nucleic acid testing, nucleic acid swab collection supporting the tube actually has a professional name "single-use virus sampling tube", the preservation of viral nucleic acid samples for nucleic acid testing is essential, commercial disposable virus virus sampling tube in the form of a throat swab or nasal swab plus virus Preservation solution and preservation tube plus biosafety bag. When testing for respiratory disease, a throat or nasal swab is used to collect the sample, which is then placed in a preservation solution. The viral sample will be kept in the preservation solution for several hours or days before the nucleic acid is extracted. If the sample is not continuously cryopreserved during collection and transport, the nucleic acids in the sample are not effectively protected and can easily lead to degradation of the sample and the quality of the test results is not guaranteed.



Many of the nucleic acid single-use virus sampling tubes on the market today are of varying quality, with common quality problems such as sample preservation solution leakage, damaged caps, discoloration of sample preservation solution, and detached labels. Virus sampling tube is the sample storage container, its performance is directly related to the product function. Technical requirements should be set in terms of material suitability, sealability and ease of operation.


Why do I need to put my nucleic acid inside the virus sampling tube after collection?


After nucleic acid collection, usually specimens are not immediately available for PCR testing, and often need to be transported with specimen collection swab samples, and the virus itself will soon crack off in vitro to affect subsequent testing, so when preserving and transporting, it is necessary to add virus preservation solution for preservation, which is the disposable virus sampling tube.


What should I pay attention to when choosing a nucleic acid single-use virus sampling tube?


1. Material suitability. According to the implementation guidelines for nucleic acid testing institutions, there are clear requirements for materials, "the cap and tube body should be made of polypropylene material, screw mouth can be sealed, moderate sealing, gasket in the inside cover, freeze-resistant. The tube body is transparent and visible, good. Therefore, companies in the record, should directly choose polypropylene material virus sampling tube, gaskets inside the cap, the cap and body using a spiral way to seal. At the same time, according to the test recommendations, before the test and the subsequent ice bath operation process, the new crown virus inactivated at 56 ℃. Therefore, the virus sampling tube which is good should have the temperature tolerance under the above conditions, will not be deformed and damaged under the test conditions, and can adapt to various inactivation methods. In the development process, the selected material should be further verified and confirmed.



2、Sealability. The cap and the tube body should fit together, and try to choose screw-in rather than inserted, so that it is in a completely closed state, otherwise it will lead to the leakage of the preservation fluid and the entry of exogenous substances, which will affect the product quality and cause contamination and damage. Risk of infection. In the technical indicators, a test seal hermeticity should be set to simulate the sealing of the product under different storage conditions. The general test methods are vibration method, vacuum method, etc.




3. Easy to operate. The tube wall should be smooth and flat, the label is intact and firm, the handwriting is clear, the information is easy to write, and the sticker related to the barcode does not fall off the corner. At the same time, the cap and the tube body should be moderately tight, not too tight, so that sampling and testing personnel can open and close the cap normally with one hand, to improve operational efficiency.



4. Appropriate specifications. Virus sampling tube outside diameter of (14.8 ± 0.2) mm × (100.5 ± 0.4) mm, the cap outside diameter of (15.8 ± 0.15) mm, the height of (12.5 ± 0.5) mm. enterprise filing products should be selected according to the above requirements of the virus sampling tube which is a good specification model, so that the production of products to meet the requirements of epidemic prevention.



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