
Why nasal swab? Anterior nasal swab manufacturer

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2021-01-12 Origin: Site



"Mask of pain"



To ease everyone's



Fear of being dominated by nasal swabs



I decided to figure out



Why is it a nasal swab



and not pharyngeal swabs?



1. Nasal swabs have a higher positive detection rate



In the use of pharyngeal swabs to detect the new coronavirus, the root of the tongue will instinctively prevent the swab from going deeper, the swab is not easy to reach the posterior pharyngeal wall, or due to nausea and vomiting, resulting in a shorter sampling time, sampling is not easy to place, resulting in a "false negative". The nasal swab is easier to reach the tested site, and can stay in the nasopharynx for a longer time, the test results are more accurate.


2、Nasal swab is safer for nucleic acid collectors



The nasal swab test requires the person being tested to wear a good mask, exposing only the nostrils; while the pharyngeal swab test, the person being tested needs to open the mouth wide, with a large exposure area, and if the person being tested coughs and vomits, the nucleic acid testing personnel may face a greater risk of infection. Once the testers are infected, the risk may spread to a larger area of the population.



3. Pharyngeal swabs may be more unpleasant than nasal swabs



Pharyngeal swab collection crosses the tongue root to the posterior pharyngeal wall and tonsillar crypt, lateral wall, etc., repeatedly wipe 3 to 5 times to collect mucosal cells, if the test is in place (rather than just smearing on the tongue root) may bring about nausea, vomiting and other reactions, relatively speaking, the nasal swab is less irritating to the mucosa.



How to collect nasal swabs easily



- Attention shifting method



After the swab is inserted into the nostril, silently count the seconds to 3, and the nasal swab is ready. (Or open the refrigerator door, put an elephant in, and then take out the process)



- "What are you looking at" method



Before doing the nasal swab, do not look at the person in front of you how to do, everyone's perception is different, look at the expression of others, may bring their own unnecessary pressure.



- Sunflower pointing hand



Whether it is nasal swab or throat swab, it is impossible not to feel uncomfortable, there will be a little discomfort, but do not move, such as being point, because if you move to poke other places may be more painful.


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