
Home to be quarantined need to pay attention to what? Specific requirements for quarantine for 7 days

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2022-09-28 Origin: Site

What do I need to pay attention to when I go home to be quarantined? The specific requirements of 7 days of isolation

At present, many regions for the workers back to the region have done the relevant home isolation notice, and must report personal information, the physical condition during isolation, etc., but many people are not clear what matters need to pay attention to during the home isolation, the following to elaborate on it, hurry to understand it.

1. home is isolated, it is best to live alone


①, if you live with your family, the family should commit to a joint home isolation. And isolated members of one person a room, keep the relative team, try not to leave the isolation room, avoid close contact with family members.


②, shall not go out, refuse to meet guests; in the district entrance, door block posted conspicuous signs, take the initiative to inform the surrounding residents of the specific address of the fever home isolation, restrict the visitation of friends and relatives, reduce the visitation and mutual direct contact communication between residents.


③, the home isolation refuses to cooperate or violates the relevant provisions of isolation medical observation, causing the spread and spread of the epidemic, endangering public safety and public safety, will take compulsory isolation measures, in violation of the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Act, civil law, criminal law, will also bear civil and criminal liability.


2. Home isolation, be sure to keep the room clean


①, such as living with family members, stop using central air conditioning, keep the isolation room closed at all times, in front of the door of the isolation room, should open the window to ventilate before opening the door.


②、Open windows frequently, at least once every 2~4 hours, 20~30 minutes each time.


③. Do the daily cleaning of the living room and disinfect the items contaminated by secretions or frequently touched items.


④, tables, chairs, door handles, etc. can be disinfected with 500mg/L chlorine (bromine) containing disinfectant (5% 84 disinfectant and water diluted 1:99) or 1% hydrogen peroxide disinfectant wipes (wear gloves when operating); thermometers, cell phones, etc. can be disinfected by wiping with 75% medical alcohol cotton balls or cotton pads. Disinfectants containing chlorine (bromine) should be used according to the instructions.

3. Home isolation, be sure to wash your hands frequently


①. Wash your hands properly with hand sanitizer or soapy water with running water according to the "Seven Step Hand Washing Procedure".

Wash your hands before contact with co-isolated persons and after touching contaminated or shared items.


4. Be sure to wear a good mask when going out in isolation


①. When you are alone in isolation at home, you may not wear a mask, but when you go out of the isolation room, you must wear a medical surgical mask.


②. Please wear a mask when in contact with co-isolators.


③. Wash your hands before wearing a mask and after discarding a used mask.

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