
What should I do if I have a cold in home isolation? Is there any effect on nucleic acid testing when I have a cold?

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2022-10-29 Origin: Site

During the implementation of home isolation, the corresponding community or township medical and health institution personnel will be a daily morning and evening temperature measurement of close contacts, and ask their health status, fill out the medical observation of close contacts record form, and give the necessary help and guidance, such as cold problems during the period, you need to contact them in a timely manner to help deal with the correct solution.


What should I do if I catch a cold in home isolation?

Immediately contact the staff of the isolation observation point by phone.


During the period of home isolation, you cannot go out without permission. You should answer the health inquiries of the staff at the isolation observation point truthfully, cooperate actively with the medical staff to measure the body temperature once a day in the morning and once in the afternoon, and keep the relevant records. Abdominal pain and other symptoms, you should immediately contact the staff of the isolation observation point by phone, immediately report to the local health and health department, and send to the designated medical institution for consultation and treatment as required, and collect specimens for laboratory testing and screening.


If the results of the screening for suspected cases, confirmed cases or positive infections, should be its close contact with the personnel under medical observation.


Can I take cold medicine if I catch a cold during quarantine?

No, you cannot take cold medicine privately. Because the symptoms of cold and flu during isolation are similar to those of the new coronavirus infection, it is impossible to determine whether it is a cold or new coronavirus pneumonia until medical tests are conducted. The epidemiological history of the fever is not considered.

If these epidemiological history is ruled out, and the medical test is not a new crown, then the simple cold is treated as a normal cold, can be checked at the hospital to clarify the bacterial or viral cold, and then according to the results of the choice of antibiotics or antiviral drugs for treatment can be, do not be too nervous.


Is there any effect on the nucleic acid test when I have a cold?

The nucleic acid test for the new coronavirus does not have any effect.


The nucleic acid test is mainly used to test the genes of the virus to find out the nature of the virus, and it is mainly used as a criterion to diagnose novel coronavirus pneumonia, while a cold may be an infection of other viruses, such as rhinovirus or cytomegalovirus, which has no crossover with the new coronavirus, and the DNA is different, so whether you have a cold or not has no effect on the nucleic acid test results.


And there will be no great error on the test result when you do nucleic acid test for cold, but during cold, patients will have obvious discomfort, such as nasal congestion, runny nose, nasal mucosa will be congested, edema, and inflammatory exudation in the throat, so at this time, collecting nasopharyngeal swab may be more difficult to operate, and patients will also have obvious discomfort, so it is recommended to collect oropharyngeal swab for testing.


How to distinguish the common cold from the new crown pneumonia?

①. Difference in systemic symptoms.


New crown pneumonia has heavier systemic symptoms, with fever, cough, weakness, and even muscle pain, while cold patients have milder systemic symptoms.


②, local symptoms of respiratory tract distinction.


Only a small percentage of patients with neoconiosis have khat symptoms, including nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, etc. Patients with colds have mainly respiratory khat symptoms, with obvious nasal congestion, more runny nose, cough and throat discomfort.


(iii) Differences in temperature status.

New crown pneumonia has fever as the first symptom, and patients with persistent high fever are more seriously ill. Fever is not always present in colds, and even if fever is present, the fever duration is short.


④. Difference in symptoms one week after the onset of the disease.


Many patients with neoconiosis have dyspnea and hypoxemia after one week of illness. A cold will not have dyspnea and hypoxemia and will basically heal after one week with clinical remission.


As the new crown virus is not yet fully controlled, it is recommended that similar symptoms of cold or new crown pneumonia should be promptly treated in isolation to prevent a certain impact on others and themselves, usually pay attention to personal hygiene, hand washing and disinfection, as little as possible to go to crowded places, and also pay attention to wear a mask to prevent infection with the new crown virus


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