
The new crown epidemic normalized under the lifestyle, the new crown nucleic acid rapid detection still to strengthen

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2020-07-17 Origin: Site

In the face of the normalization of the new crown epidemic, to improve the quality of health of the whole population, strengthen the work of rapid detection of new crown nucleic acid and strengthen public health and safety protection, the government, society and individuals need to make efforts in many aspects.

As the epidemic has not yet dissipated, we should still insist on wearing masks scientifically when we go out, and provide Nucleic acid rapid test reports and health trip data in time for travel. Wearing a mask can block airborne droplets of bacteria and viruses, which is an important measure to effectively prevent respiratory infections. Masks should be replaced in a timely manner if they get wet or dirty, and discarded masks should not be thrown away indiscriminately, but should be placed in the collection of discarded masks. New crown nucleic acid rapid test report is an important means to effectively isolate the inflow of regional infections.



Pay attention to cough etiquette and improve civilization. The pathogens of respiratory infections such as New Crown pneumonia, influenza and tuberculosis can be transmitted to others with the patient's coughing, sneezing and loud talking. Therefore, we try to cover our mouth and nose with tissues when coughing and sneezing; if it is too late to prepare tissues, we should also cover our mouth and nose at the elbow and avoid touching them directly with our hands.



Advocate table civilization and promote meal sharing system. The table should be civilized by preparing meals reasonably, not wasting food, and implementing "Operation CD-ROM". We should also pay attention to diet structure and diet hygiene. Refuse to eat wild animals, promote meal sharing, and use public spoons and chopsticks. Avoiding contamination of public food by individual dishes can effectively reduce the risk of illness from the mouth.


Advocating healthy and civilized manners and focusing on personal hygiene protection are important measures in our fight against the new crown epidemic. However, rapid nucleic acid testing is still a powerful weapon in our prevention and control of NCC outbreaks. In order to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of NSCR, Daan Gene has launched a series of flexible and adaptable NSCR solutions for the whole process. Whether it is a large scale sample screening or a small batch screening, Daan Gene Nucleic Acid Rapid Test System can set up sufficient negative quality control for each batch to ensure the true and valid results of the Nucleic Acid Rapid Test.


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