
How to avoid "false negatives and false positives" in the post-epidemic era of new crown nucleic acid rapid test?

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2020-07-14 Origin: Site


With the normalization of the NSCN epidemic, it is gradually recognized that the NSCN rapid test is the "gold standard" for confirming the diagnosis of NSCN, but a negative NSCN rapid test does not mean a true negative, and a positive NSCN rapid test can be a false positive. The rapid nucleic acid test for new coronary artery disease mainly includes sample collection, preservation and transportation, nucleic acid extraction and amplification testing. Sample collection as the first step of the new crown nucleic acid rapid test, which involves the quality assurance of sampling supplies and virus preservation solution is critical to the accuracy of the new crown nucleic acid rapid test results, unqualified samples will directly affect the new crown nucleic acid rapid test results.



The "New Coronavirus Nucleic Acid Testing Workbook (Trial Version 2)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Manual") for the New Coronavirus Nucleic Acid Rapid Test sampling tube requirements mainly consider the full inactivation of the virus (safety), but inactivation of the virus at the same time, we should also consider the selected New Coronavirus Nucleic Acid Rapid Test sampling tube in the composition of the virus preservation solution can be stable to preserve the integrity of the virus nucleic acid, to avoid the sample nucleic acid in the The manual also provides a detailed description of the virus in the sample.



In addition, the Handbook also sets forth the standardized requirements for PCR laboratories of New Crown Nucleic Acid Rapid Test, i.e., it requires that the specimen sampling tubes, nucleic acid extraction reagents, nucleic acid extractors, amplification reagents, amplifiers and other New Crown Nucleic Acid Rapid Test products be used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, which fully illustrates the importance of using New Crown Nucleic Acid Rapid Test products in conjunction with each other. Whether it is a large-scale sample screening or a small batch of Nucleic Acid Rapid Test, Daan Gene's Nucleic Acid Rapid Test System can set enough negative quality control for each batch of sample Nucleic Acid Rapid Test as required to ensure that the Nucleic Acid Rapid Test results are true and valid!


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