
Main uses and requirements of virus sampling tubes

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2022-08-23 Origin: Site


Virus sampling tube is a set of sampling and delivery centrifuge tube used for sampling viruses such as influenza virus, hand-foot virus, measles and rubella in microbiological sampling and delivery tubes, also known as specimen delivery tubes, which has become a commercial product. Virus sampling tubes are composed of a swab and a sampling tube containing preservation fluid.




The main uses of virus sampling tubes;




①, virus sampling tube can be used for the CDC department, clinical departments of infectious pathogens microbial monitoring sampling use.


Can be used for clinical patients influenza virus, hand, foot and mouth virus, rubella measles virus and other samples of nucleic acid extraction and late virus isolation use.


Also used for sampling of mycoplasma, chlamydia, ureaplasma, etc.


②, virus sampling tube can be used for the collection and short-term transportation of avian influenza virus in the external environment.


③, virus sampling tube can be used for daily detection sampling of poultry, pigs and other animals


④, virus sampling tubes can be used for short-term storage of virus samples. (stored at 2-8℃ for 48 hours) to be used for necessary cell culture.


⑤, virus sampling tube can be used for long-term storage of virus samples (-70℃~-196℃ can be stored for one year) pending necessary cell culture.


⑥、Virus sampling tubes can be used for the collection of clinical respiratory virus rapid test kits.


(vii) Virus sampling tubes can be used to transport site-specific tissue specimens from the sampling site to the testing laboratory pending the necessary cell culture.


The main uses and requirements of virus sampling tubes




Requirements for virus sampling tubes.




Virus sampling tubes are loaded with infectious materials, some of which are even highly pathogenic in nature. Therefore, the requirements for packaging containers are very demanding and should meet three requirements at the same time.


①, the safety of transport: to ensure that the sample does not leak during transport, in line with WHO regulations and biosafety regulations of the sampling tube.


②, the safety of preservation: to ensure that the sample does not leak during preservation, in line with WHO regulations and biosafety regulations of the sampling tube.


③, the effectiveness of the sample: to ensure that the sampling tube itself will not have toxic effects on the sample.




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