
What is the use of saliva collector collection device?

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2021-02-15 Origin: Site


What is the use of saliva collector collection device?







DNA saliva collection is also known as genetic testing sampling, molecular diagnosis, disease screening, genetics, paternity testing, ancestral gene DNA, and other medical research units, genetic sampling popular saliva collector



Intended use: for the collection and room temperature preservation into the oral secretion of saliva samples. The sample is extracted and used for clinical in vitro diagnosis.



Collection principle: This product is used to collect saliva samples secreted into the oral cavity, and the collected saliva is evenly mixed with saliva preservation solution to ensure the integrity of DNA within the saliva samples and its long-term preservation under room temperature conditions.



Main components of the saliva collector.



1 collection funnel,

1 collection tube (with cap),

1 ml of saliva preservation solution.



Brief description of the saliva collector


1、Collection funnel and collection tube are combined and packaged together.


2、Saliva preserving solution is in the thin tube under the collection funnel.



3、The collection tube cap is assembled at the bottom of the collection tube.




Saliva collector collection method


1、In the 30 minutes before collecting saliva samples, please wash the debris in the mouth with drinking water. Do not eat, drink tea, drink medicine, chew gum, betel nut, etc.



2、Use the tip of the tongue against the root of the upper or lower jaw to enrich the saliva, and gently spit into the collection funnel until the liquid saliva (not bubbles) reaches the height of the scale.



3. Hold the saliva collection tube in an upright position and use the other hand to assist in selecting the collection funnel down.



4、Remove the collection tube cap from the bottom of the collection tube and tighten the collection tube with the cap.



5、Invert the collection tube up and down 5 times to mix the saliva with the saliva preservation solution thoroughly and discard the used collection funnel.



Sample requirements: The collected saliva samples should be free of debris and sputum.



Saliva collector precautions



1、Do not eat, smoke, chew gum or drink water 30 minutes before collecting saliva samples.



2、Most people need 2-5 minutes to collect saliva samples according to the above step gathering.



3、Before starting saliva collection, please relax your cheeks and gently massage your cheeks with your fingers for 15-30 seconds to produce saliva.



4、Confirm that the outer packaging of the saliva DNA sample collection tube is intact and check the saliva collection tube to make sure there is no leakage.



5、Saliva samples collected by this product can be stored stably for 12 months under room temperature storage conditions, and high quality high molecular weight DNA fragments can be isolated during the storage period. Given the individual differences in samples, the specific shelf life of different samples fluctuates.



6、This product is disposable, secondary use is prohibited, and it is forbidden to use the same saliva collection tube for different patients.



7、The collected saliva samples should be considered as infectious substances and the operation and handling should be in accordance with the relevant regulatory requirements.



Saliva collector storage conditions and expiration date.




Room temperature: 15-30 degrees Validity: 24 months







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