
Introduction to Secondary Virus Sampling Tubes

Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2020-03-06 Origin: Site

Disposable Virus Sampling Tubes Caution:


1. Store at room temperature and send for examination within five days.


2. This product is intended for in vitro diagnostic use only.


3. This product is intended for use by trained personnel only.


4. Gloves should be worn and anti-static gloves should be worn when using this product. Mouthpiece to take protective measures.


5. Discarded sample collection solution should be disinfected.


6. If the sample storage solution is found to have expired, the storage solution is cloudy or leaking, then use is prohibited.7. If the sampling swab packaging is found to be damaged, then this should be prohibited.


Disposable virus sampling tube product features:


1. Flocked swabs are used as sampling swabs. Compared with conventional fiber swabs, the sample is easily captured in the gaps of the fiber mass, i.e., the sample is penetrated, diluted and captured in the fiber.


Flocked swabs use a unique jet nylon lint technology with cutting-edge sample collection and release capabilities, with release rates up to 90%, much higher than fiber swabs.


2. Virus inactivation and non-inactivation storage solutions are available.


Disposable virus sampling tube usage:


1. Before sampling, indicate the sample information on the label;


2. According to different experimental purposes, use the sampling swab to take samples at the appropriate location;


3. After sampling, quickly place the swab into the sterile sampling tube, break it off at the break point and tighten the cap;


4. Freshly collected specimens can be transported to the laboratory under ambient conditions;


5. Specific sampling methods are as follows:


a) Nasal collection: gently swab the head into the nasal cavity for sampling, use another swab to collect another nasal sample in the same manner, dip the swab head into the sampling fluid and break the tail;


b) pharyngeal collection: use a swab to collect a throat sample and use the same swab head to pierce the sampling fluid and break the tail.


Disposable Virus Sampling Tubes Product Use:


1. For clinical collection and transport of specimens for 2019-nCov, influenza, avian influenza (e.g. H7N9), hand, foot and mouth, measles, norovirus, rotavirus and other viral specimens as well as mycoplasma, ureaplasma and chlamydia.


2. Virus and related samples can be stored and transported within 48 hours under refrigerated conditions at 2-8°C.


3. Long-term storage of viruses and related samples at -80°C or in liquid nitrogen.



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